It’s always inspiring to see young women whose fearlessness and sense of adventure lead them to discover greater things. I’ve always believed that women with this kind of mindset are what will help shape the future of our world. 

I got to talk with Mindset + Emotional Freedom Coach, Tanin Matin to learn more about her practice and how her dauntlessness has helped shape her life and the life of other women who she helps.

What inspired you to be an entrepreneur?

I wanted to feel free again; to be so authentically myself in the world. I wanted to create a life that made me feel abundantly joyful while being of service to others. The reason I jumped into entrepreneurship was because I was so unhappy with my life. I was making six-figures as a young 20 year old, wearing suits and doing small talks. I hate suits and small talks. Within 2 years of me working in the corporate environment, I felt all of this pain enter my body—depression and anxiety took over. I looked in the mirror and couldn’t even recognize myself. I knew there was more to life than what I was living.

How are you making a positive difference in the world?

Now I am a Mindset + Emotional Freedom Coach, Psychic- Medium, Spiritual Healer, as well as a Business coach for high-powered conscious entrepreneurs and healers. My work is based on the fundamentals of manifestation, energetics, quantum physics, breathwork, NLP, integrative health, energetics, and consciousness to support my clients in healing and creating a lifestyle by design.  As a Reflector in Human Design, I am able to connect deeply to the essence of one’s being. I can channel and reflect back to them the visions of their highest self for profound and fast transformation. I can see why people behave in certain ways based on their lives and how they process information. My ability to perceive the subtle realms has enabled me to compile highly effective yet simple processes that help people release limiting emotions as well as access and reprogram the subconscious.

Life doesn’t have to be so hard. That was what I set out to discover, master, and teach others. We have this incredibly powerful gift, which is called our intuition. It leads us to places beyond our wildest imagination. I offer emotional breakthrough sessions to help people process trapped emotions that are deep within the subconscious mind—personal, absorbed or inherited emotions that feel like tension within the body and heaviness within the energetic system—to create a feeling of emotional freedom.

We can become magnetic to our desires by consciously shifting the beliefs and emotions that are inhibiting our sense of joy. I focus on teaching people how to shift limiting beliefs and negative emotions into personal empowerment and magnetic vibrational attraction. I also teach breathwork, energetics, and meditation. These are powerful tools that shift negative energy into positive energy, help expand consciousness, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and joy in life.

What has been the greatest positive impact you have seen your clients or customers face from working directly with you?

The greatest impact is that people are able to move out of the vibration and thought pattern of fear, and ascend to embody a level of courage to go after the life they’ve always dreamed of.

Honestly, the kind of transformation my clients have had blows me away. I have clients leaving their corporate jobs within months, moving to their dream states, finding their significant others—really creating the life that they want for themselves deep inside. This is all while doing really profound inner work to heal wounds from their childhood, grief, anxiety, etc. One of my clients said that she experienced a greater transformation in working with me for six weeks than she did in psychotherapy for six years. When we embody courage in life, we shift the tipping point from negative to positive energy and become magnetic.

What are your top 3 tips to scale a business or use social media to attract new clients?

  1. Get clear & in alignment. If you’re not clear about what you want to create or attract into your business, it will be hard for you to manifest it. Get clear on your goals and vision. Down to the last detail, have a vision of what you’re bringing into your business and spend time feeling grateful for it already making its way to you. It’s powerful when your heart is aligned with an intention. Manifestation magic right there.
  2. Energy is everything. If you are taking action in your business from a place of fear, you will not have your desired outcome. Do not take action because you feel like you HAVE to, even if you do. Get your energy in an elevated state first, and then take action—dance around, jump on a mini trampoline, listen to your favorite song. Do something that gets your energy in an elevated state before you take action. Take action that feels good and inspiring.
  3. Stay authentic. If you’re using social media as a platform, be incredibly authentic. People can feel your energy and will know if you’re not walking your talk. Be honest with yourself and others about what you can truly offer them, and embody your power. People will feel drawn to your sense of power and truth, deep down that’s what we’re all seeking within ourselves.

Where can people learn more?

Connect with me on the ‘gram! I love meeting new people.

Instagram: IAmTaninMatin

Facebook: Tanin Matin

E-mail: [email protected]