As we extend into week 12 of the COVID-19 pandemic and its flotsam and jetsam of social distancing and isolation, it is naturally becoming harder and harder to feel hopeful about the future.
The virus’ impact and wreckage can be seen and felt in a myriad of ways: from the horrific rising death tolls to the joblessness ravaging the country. We are feeling exhausted by the constant need for vigilance due to the invisible threat on surfaces and in the air, the added pressures of home-schooling, a never-ending loop of laundry, housecleaning, cooking, and the void of true face to face socialization.
Many of us are having trouble concentrating, sleeping, eating well, or finding time or space to exercise. Just getting through the day can understandably feel like a feat.
Rather than get lost in the hopelessness of our present and the anxieties over our future, three weeks ago WIN (Women in Negotiation) decided to mobilize to support women, to inspire connection and offer helpful tools and advice to better navigate and negotiate through this crisis…
Today, Wednesday May 13th WIN will host its first virtual summit, WOMEN ON THE FRONT LINES, which will feature over 35 speakers, interactive workshops, panel discussions, and more. The summit is completely free to the public with an optional donation to help provide PPE to our healthcare professionals on the frontlines.
Here is a roundup of 10 tips from Women on the Front Lines — speakers who are on the frontlines of their industries on how we can best stay grounded, and achieve well-being through this time of crisis:
“To maintain wellbeing, it is important to keep up a good morale in the office. We are all working in unusual circumstances and we need to be patient to make it work. Getting my team excited about a good selling day or smart marketing plan really motivates everyone. Having virtual team meetings keeps up comradery.”
- Lele Sadoughi, Founder and CEO Lele Sadoughi
“Spark Joy. Discover what is bringing you joy. Light a candle, exercise, facetime a loved one, organize the heck out of your living space, watch a feel-good show, an informative documentary, a good book—whatever it is, find what sparks joy and do more of it throughout the day to multiply those feelings of happiness.”
- Mandy Ansari, Digital Influencer and Entrepreneur, Founder, Girl And The
“During this exceedingly difficult time practice “checking in” more frequently and acknowledge your full range of emotions without judgment. Give yourself credit for all that you are doing and know that you are growing your emotional endurance and resilience.”
- Dr. Tamar Z. Kahane, PsyD, Founder and Clinical Director, The Kahane Center
“Find a creative outlet for self-care, but don’t push yourself. Read, write, draw, sing karaoke or whatever you determine as a creative outlet. I have been painting more during quarantine. Or create an essential oil blend and use it in a diffuser. It helps me create balances for your senses throughout the day.”
- Carita Marrow, Diversity & Inclusion Talent Program Manager, Adobe
“Stay Gentle: We’re still very early on in developing our pandemic identity, which means we don’t know exactly what we’re doing yet and that lack of knowing feels very present and overwhelming. So if one day feels amazing, and then the next feels totally terrible, that’s all right. That lack of continuity and ease is a central part of growth.”
- Erica Chidi Cohen, Co-Founder and CEO of Loom
“The one tip i gives everyone who is going through a tough time during this time is to really make sure you are practicing self -care. While it might seem indulgent at first, since we all have so many responsibilities , taking an hour to do something for yourself every day is a great way to stay balanced. I personally have a non -negotiable fitness hour where I take a walk, lift some weights or do something physical to burn off energy and anxiety. When i start my day this way, I have cared for myself and am more able to care for other whether it be my children or my clients or business.”
- Rosie Mattio, Founder and CEO of Mattio Communications
“I try and remind myself that like everything this is temporary and I know I have the power to overcome this. Also, one thing I’ve been doing to maintain my wellbeing during this time, is to hold on tightly to positive rituals that ground me and bring me joy— I wake up and the first thing I do no matter what is pull an optimism card from my Things Are Looking Up Optimism Deck of Cards ( — each card has a holistic or science based prompt or suggestion that actually helps to increase optimism and resiliency — and then I turn on music and dance, however I want —this is before I even brush my teeth, take a shower or make breakfast, even if it is for just half a song, I let go and shake it out!”
- Dr. Deepika Chopra, PsyD, The Optimism Doctor
“Reset your mood through getting into nature. When I am feeling tight and anxious or overwhelmed, I need to physically step outside… look up at the sky, get some vitamin D, or at least fresh air, take in the trees, the flowers, the scenery, become hyper focused on the details of the natural world around me. Nature in its slow and steady course can provide tremendous relief to the busy-ness and seeming dystopia of our lives right now.”
- Daniella Kahane, WIN Executive Director & CEO
“This is sort of a tip within a tip, but each day, ask someone what they’re doing to take care of themselves right now. Social distancing can make us feel further apart, not just physically but emotionally. With this simple question, you might learn something new or find you have something in common with a colleague or acquaintance that you didn’t realize. I’ve learned a lot of great tips this way — my favorite is to plan a small, fun activity to do after work. Working from home can feel boundary-less. Having something to look forward to really helps you recharge.”
- Marina Khidekel, Thrive Global, Head of Content Development
“Balance is vital to living fully and whole-heartedly. At the present time, many of our routines and schedules are disrupted and the stress of bridging the gaps can take it’s toll. At this time, it’s even more important to take time for ourselves: to replenish, restore, rest, and to simply enjoy being who we are. Whether that’s taking a bath, learning to meditate, dancing in the kitchen, or going for a contemplative walk by ourselves, consciously choosing to cultivate states where we can experience freedom bolsters our sense of in-built resilience and well-being.”
- Kimberly Loh, Author of Compassionate Conversations, Peace Specialist, and WIN Coach
Join us today at 11 AM EST for a panel on Sustaining Your Well-Being Through Crisis moderated by Thrive Globals’ own Head of Content Development, Marina Khidekel and featuring #1NYTimes Bestselling Author and Spiritual Guru, Gabby Bernstein, Lead Editor of Parenting Section for NYTimes, Jessica Grose, Co-Founder and CEO of Loom, Erica Chidi Cohen, and Optimism Doctor, Dr. Deepika Chopra, PsyD.
To hear more from these speakers and many more, reserve your free spot, and donate to a great cause, visit: