It is March, and it feels as if the blankets have been thrown off the earth. We see the beginnings of what was hidden beneath, waiting until this moment to rise. The stems of green emerging out of the earth, are in ready of sight of the landscape around us. It is moments outside given alone to appreciate the new, that allow thought. It is a time to take stock of what we have, what we need, and what there is to improve. This month is designated to the history of women, and it is essential to consider those that have come before us, those around us, and ourselves in the larger picture of our own views of women.
I have had the privilege of being in public service and a liaison for a Commission on Women. When first assigned the position, I asked only half in jest why there is no Commission on Men. For innately at times there is also the slight hesitation that by separating women apart ,we are somehow perpetrating separation or the perception of differences. The goal is always equality, respect and understanding, but to ensure continued equality and fair treatment, we must remind ourselves of our own intelligence, ability and strength. In every realm of our lives there is always the possibility of being treated as less. It is in times and months such as these, that set aside recognition of women, that we are surrounded with salient reminders to help renew our fundamental belief in the strength of ourselves.
This is not a month of separation, but rather to continue growth. Without our male and female counterparts, we would not be the women we are. For cooperative and constructive, or imperfect and opprobrious, all have shaped us. This time in the year is a time to honor. It is a month to thank those that push forward and continue through obstacles, and be mindful to rise above and persevere when hindered. We must be thankful for the opportunities given, for the co-workers, the teachers, the parents, the siblings and the spouses that have all valued our opinion, for without feeling valued, we risk losing faith in our ability, our competence and our individual aptitudes.