girl is crying and power of words

When a kid learns to speak, everyone’s like celebrating and congratulating. I also get a joyful experience whenever a toddler tries to utter words in pieces. It’s fun, isn’t it?

But what about the grown-ups who know how to speak and talk? I’d prefer toddlers over grown-ups because one who doesn’t know the value and power of words should better not utter them! (I’m not sorry for being harsh)

That’s an issue I identified two years back when I was listening to one of the renowned scholars. He told about how the words we speak in our daily lives affect the people around us. Be it the normal communication with a stranger, jokes in friends’ gatherings, talking with our family, or professional dealings, each word that we say has some power.

In my life so far, there are only a few people known to me whose speaking is soothing and healing. Such eloquence and sweetness, wow! Wanna know about the others? Well, I’m still figuring out how the people in their surroundings tolerate them for having such an ill-mannered way of talking! Some of them have crossed 40, and they still speak aimlessly. I believe they don’t know how their words hit the hearts of their listeners, and the reason is the unawareness of the power of words.

Words and the Heart, Mind, and Tongue

We never say words unconsciously. That’s an exception if you talk while sleeping. Every word we say is first prepared in our mind, felt in our heart, and only then our voice does the finishing. It looks like a pretty long task, but that’s how our Almighty has made us perform numerous actions.

If you really want to realise the true power of words, read Qur’an. Every word of the holy book of the Muslims is of God’s. Once you start reading this book, your mind will seek help to understand the literal meaning if you don’t know Arabic. But it does not end here. The role of the heart in comprehending such Divinely beautified words is important too. Your heart will feel how your Creator is addressing you. How concisely each word of the Qur’an has deep meanings and is perfectly related to the context. Your heart will feel the words and will make an emotional connection with the Almighty.

It’s wisdom for sure that such perfect words can only be of God’s, and this perfection tells us to try using such graceful words according to the context in our daily lives.

Words at Individual Level

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So, I believe that on an individual level, words have the power to either heal a heart or destroy it. I pity such people who still think of it as a joke. No, my dear! You never know what someone is going through. There are people who are fighting a storm in their minds, and then you throw such miserable words without thinking that tear their hearts out, and they never say a word. Doing such a vile act deserves a punishment to be honest, because I think breaking someone’s heart is nothing less than a sin!

Words also have the effect of healing hearts. You never know how your ordinary “Hey, how you doing!” can make someone’s day. People are so distressed these days, and the worst part, they don’t speak up about that because they are afraid they’ll be judged. So when you greet any person who is going through a lot, even your ‘Hi’ can be supportive and caring for him or her. I’d recommend making it a habit because making up someone’s day requires no cost!

Words at Public Level

On a public level, the words have pretty enormous value. If one is representing his or her country, they better be mindful of the words they say. That’s why you have seen the ambassadors who deal in international relations are very alert, fluent, and concise in their language. They talk less and sensible because they know if a slip of the tongue happens, the whole nation’s reputation will be at risk.

Moreover, I personally like writers because their life is sharing their thoughts through pen and paper. They enjoy writing, and they feel delighted when their readers go through their write-ups. On top of that, their happiness is multiplied when someone truly understands their thought process and engages with them through feedback. How beautiful!

So, whenever you say or write something, make sure you do that by verifying the words in your heart and mind because words that are said by the heart, listened by the heart.