At the end of last year I decided that I wanted to be the author of my own life. No waiting for permission. No waiting for a sign. No waiting for all the things to align.

I knew the story I wanted to tell and so I ran and participated in a 15 day writing challenge that saw me and the rest of the participants writing the next chapter of our lives.

Each day I provided a writing prompt in one of the following five categories:

  • Goals
  • Actions
  • Challenges
  • Wins
  • Rewards

Within each category we focused on ourselves, our businesses, and the world around us.

Each day, at the end of the journal entry we wrote out one summary sentence, which were combined on Day 15 to inspire our own personal story.

Here is the story I wrote:

2019 will be a year filled with huge leaps and great success. I am agile. I move with and through challenges to grow. Employing compassion, storytelling and creativity I will build a successful business which will allow my life the financial freedom to do the things that I love and create a positive impact in the world.

One of the things I have learned from a very inspiring woman is that I too can take fast action. I don’t need to wait until tomorrow. There is no more this before that. I don’t need another course. I have exactly what I need. Today is the day to take intentional actions. Actions that will move me towards my larger goals. My ability to create innovation combined with my driven nature will obliterate any feelings of not being enough that I was allowing to hold me back. I am more than enough, have always been more than enough, and will always be more than enough.

My first big leap of the year will be to publish my own e-book. This leap will allow me to realize my potential and teach me the publishing process from beginning to end. Creativity and fast action are key and I am more than ready. Achieving this goal will allow me to employ these skills in helping others share their stories with the world. Every single life is a story. One that we can be inspired by. One that we can learn from. One that we can share.

In 2019 I will create a movement! The title of that movement will be: Writing Your Next Chapter. It is a movement that will inspire all those who are willing to take control of their lives and write their own destiny. This movement starts with me. I’m ready to live this one and only life in a way that will leave a legacy of compassion, kindness, creativity, and love.

I didn’t open that story again until the end of March and you know what I realized? Three months into the year and I have already successfully completed my first goal. I’ve published my very first short e-book and for one hot minute it hit #3 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases In Motivational Self-Help list.

The exercise effectively taught me a lesson in combining mindset work, manifestation, and action:

1. I defined what I wanted.

2. I let it go while I worked on myself and breaking my self-limiting blocks.

3. I took the actions required to have a successful first book launch.

When I first started learning about manifestation I quite frankly, thought it was a whole bunch of bull. But, I was intrigued. There was no harm in giving it a go, right?! And so I did and I am sold. I won’t try to pass off that I am now an expert and sell a $10,000 package on how to get you there too, but what I will say is that I am now a believer and I’m excited to continue to learn.

Ready to write the next chapter of your life in exactly the way you want to tell it? Why not start today?!