There has been a steady rise in the number of Americans working from home. In April 2020, an MIT survey of 25,000 American workers found that 34% of those who’d been employed 4 weeks earlier said they’re currently working from home.
But now we are going back to work, does this mean the dream of remote work is over? Or could you relive the magic of working from home?
Just Ask
The first thing you have to do is simply ask your employer about the possibility of remote working. They may be open to the idea, especially if you have successfully completed tasks over the lockdown period.
Many job positions now involve a hybrid mix of remote work with on site locational work. If you have enjoyed your working-from-home experience, then their is no harm in asking for this to continue.
A recent study found that half of the UK workforce will want to work remotely by 2020. And as this trend sets to continue, employers will be more open to the idea.
Side Hustle
Perhaps you are in a position where your current employment is not conducive to working from home. Therefore, a change in employment may be a better option.
This is a decision that cannot be taken lightly, and therefore starting a side hustle to ‘test the waters’ may be a more appropriate pathway. There are obvious side hustles you could consider, such as blogging, proofreading, online marketing and transcription work.
Many side hustles such as these have low barriers to entry and can be undertaken alongside full-time employment. You may be required to outlay a small investment to learn new skills and access valuable resources.
However, once the income becomes steady, you could easily transition your new side hustle to a work from home occupation.
I have had some success with virtual assistant positions where I have learned how to manage clients expectations, use scheduling tools, create prices and analytical reports and advertise for clients.
The income is not significant enough yet to transition, but I have at least began the journey.
It may sound like the epitome of living the dream, but working from home may not suit every personality type. You may find it hard to stay motivated and sincerely miss the interactions you have with colleagues on a daily basis.
It can become quite a lonely existence to be always at home, especially if your partner works in the office, and your children are at school.
So before diving headfirst into what you might think is ‘the dream, take some time for careful consideration.
Create Your Own Destiny
If you thought working from home was merely a pipe dream, then consider taking proactive measures to realise your dream.
The changing job landscape does appear to moving more in this direction, but there are no guarantess. The timeframe of these possibilities is also questionable.
Therefore, engaging on a pathway that could lead to a full-time work from home occupation may have to begin with you making decisions now.
I am currently on this journey myself, and although I have a long way to go, the destination is clearly on the horizon.