During this time when many people are working from home, it is important to carry on with your daily routine as much as possible. Here are our tips on how to transform your home into a working space, keep a schedule and include a social aspect.

Choose a space and dedicate it to work. If it is your dining table, clear it of other items giving you the space to lay out paperwork, books and anything else you may need. You may want to use an improvised standing desk at moments during the day; a chest of drawers can often be a good height for this or a kitchen island. If you have a desk and can move it, place it near a window to maximise natural light and incorporate a view.

Choose a comfortable chair. With most of us working at desks, it is important to remember to take breaks from sitting throughout the day to stretch and walk.

We love the Freedom Task chair from Humanscale shown in the photo above.

Gather all the items you will need for the day: pens, calculator, notebook, reference books, headphones. This will set you up in an organised manner to start your tasks.

Open a window to have a flow of air and make sure lighting levels are sufficient. Fresh air is key to keep us alert and lighting must be ample to read and write without straining.

In the morning get ready as if you intend to leave for work, this will keep you in the mindset of work and productivity. It will also mean you look professional for any impromptu work video calls.

We can often be more creative when we are out of our usual routine and the change of environment could stimulate new thoughts and ideas. Keep a positive mindset.

Set working hours and take a proper lunch break. This will help with concentration throughout the working day as you schedule breaks and take time away from your desk.

It is important not to feel isolated at home. Schedule some work calls to discuss items rather than emailing only. This can also help break up your morning and afternoon.

Take your calls standing up and walking around. If you have a garden step into it for a call. If not, take a turn around your home stretching your legs to keep your body active.

Schedule video calls to avoid feeling isolated and to see the home work space of other colleagues. This will also keep you focused on the aims of the day.

Watch your posture! Remember to stand up every 45 minutes and stretch your shoulders back as we often hunch and round our shoulders when working at a computer.

Keep in touch with the elderly and anyone vulnerable from social isolation. Have phone conversations to help people from feeling alone.

Keep conversations going as you would in the office. Tell your colleagues positive news such as your child’s latest development or a funny conversation you had.

Do online exercise classes and on apps to keep an exercise regime. This will also help break up your day. The time you will save on commuting is a good opportunity for adding a burst of exercise to your day.
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