Staying motivated isn’t always easy especially in the currant climate when many of us are scared, miserable and lonely. Our lives that seemed settled have been upended, with many of us now having to think of new careers.
Although many sectors have been hard hit, the bright side is there are still opportunities out there. However, as we age our get up and go starts to fail, our motivation wanes and taking on new tasks becomes more challenging.
Finding Our Motivation
Our goals and inspirations can change as we get older, so it’s important to find what motivation means to us. What is our drive to achieve and how is it influenced? Understanding what works for us can be the difference between success and failure.
Looking for purpose in what we do and knowing what we’re working for, can help us define our goals and put our ideas into action. To keep motivated try to keep the bigger picture in mind and stay positive.
By taking control of how you think can help you to keep perspective. Believing in ourselves is essential for our progression.
Making A Change
Many of us now work longer into midlife and sometimes well beyond. Our working life can span several careers unlike previous generations who tended to have one career for life.
Still, the prospect of starting over at the bottom of the ladder can be daunting. Any career change can be overwhelming so it pays to build up experience, make useful connections and utilize transferable skills. We want employers to take us seriously and not be left wondering if we can even get a foot in the door.
If we’re worried we don’t have the right skills, or we’re thinking of completely changing direction, there are options we can consider to help set us on the right path.
It can be a good idea to take a course – on-line courses are becoming increasingly popular. Or possibly combine practical training in a job with study by undertaking an apprenticeship.
If money isn’t an immediate concern, you could consider volunteering to gain insight and strengthen skills. How about part-time or temporary work in the field that’s of interest to you? At the very least it can boost confidence and who knows maybe even kickstart a new career.
Play Up Your Age
Age can also be a useful tool when applying for jobs because with it often comes dependability, wisdom and resilience. We can draw on our knowledge when dealing with problems and are less likely to be affected by setbacks.
It’s important to remember we all have something unique to offer an employer. By staying positive we can show employers we’re optimistic and confident in the value we bring. Whatever the reason behind our change in direction, we have an opportunity to embrace something new and exciting.
We need to keep growing, keep demonstrating our willingness to learn and confidently negotiate our way to new possibilities. A great part of getting older is that we find out what our true passions are and what makes going to work not always feel like work.