The workplace stress is ‘a harmful reaction people have to undue pressures and demands placed on them at work. It accounts for over a third of reported ill health and 43% of ill health-related absence from work. Stress can lead to numerous health problems, therefore it’s vital to know how to prevent it.
The main cause of stress is thought to be unreasonable pressures at work. However, this is not the only cause of workplace stress. Below are six other common causes.
Task Related Factors
Stress can occur if the individual feels they don’t have the mental or physical capability to complete the task.
Interpersonal Factors
An employee can become stressed through everyday interactions with people. For example, they could be subject to abuse, harassment, or bullying.
Role Ambiguity
If the employee hasn’t got a clear picture on what their role entails, it can create a very stressful situation for them.
Role Conflict
Stress can develop if an employee is receiving opposing demands from different people. This can be especially stressful if they prevent them from attaining their goals and objectives.
Lack of Recognition
If an employee isn’t receiving recognition or praise for a job done well, it can have a large impact on their morale. This could therefore lead to stress in the long run.
Personal Threat
Job security can be a large factor in causing stress in the workplace. The prospect of losing your job is a stressful situation for everyone. For example, through being made redundant.
In 2004, the HSE produced the first Management Standards for tackling workplace stress. The standards cover six areas: Control, Demand, Support, Relationships, Role, and Change. It describes the causes of stress and the necessary steps in combatting it. Below are some examples of how to combat stress in each area.
Where possible, employees should have control over the pace at which they work and should have a say on when they can take breaks.
The demands of Locksmith Toronto should be achievable based on the hours worked by the employee. The job requirements should also match the skills and experience of the employee.
Employees should be made aware of the support available to them if they are feeling stressed with sufficient policies and procedures being put in place to promote that support. Furthermore, employees should receive regular feedback as this will clarify expectations and show that they’re capable of doing their job.
The organization should have the appropriate standards in place to encourage employees to report inappropriate behavior. These standards should also detail how managers will react to any reported behavior which should help prevent the behavior from happening in the first place.
Employers should provide relevant information and requirements on the job role to prevent any uncertainty. In addition, systems should be in place to allow employees to raise any concerns with their roles.
If a change in the job role is to happen, the employer should give plenty of notice to allow any preparation to take place and should provide support through the changes.
Managers play a critical role in identify and reducing employee issues. A manager should be willing to discuss any issues with employees and develop action plans on how to overcome any stress. Below are some other key responsibilities for managers.
- Conduct stress risk assessments
- Be aware of the training and development needs of employees
- Maintain good communication
- Monitor and review workloads and work hours
- Manage poor performance before it becomes a burden on other employees