Two years ago I set up a social enterprise the World Health Innovation Summit – an international platform set up to support our health services while creating community value. 

 WHY? the #WHIS is a platform to support our health services while creating community value.


WHIS is a connector of people through healthcare – its diversity creates local innovative solutions that can be developed in any community. The idea came to me while attending the Carlisle Ambassadors April 2015. Since then we’ve gone on to hold 5 Summits (2 held in Carlisle, Mt Parnonas – Greece, Chiang Rai – Thailand, Manila –Philippines).


Our two events in Carlisle, Cumbria generated a combined total of over 40m twitter impressions globally. #WHISCumbria16 #WHISCumbria17 We have a team of global WHIS Ambassadors who are inspiring their local communities. We’ve successfully held 1 maternity event in Cumbria and 5 local wellness events at Hayton Castle, Aspatria, Cumbria. We co-designed an innovative programme that supported local GP’s through alternative treatments. 

Our WHISKids (Health, wellness and mindfulness support in our schools) programmes have seen over 1000 children supported in over 10 Schools in the first year. We are developing our programmes to go digital so we can support more children. 

We’ve also developed programmes to support businesses – WHISatwork (Stress management) and to support the elderly population we have developed WHISSeniors (falls prevention, mental wellbeing). 

We have developed WHISGreen (Energy, Waste and Water) – as without sustainability there is no health. We are supporting a number of innovative projects that will support our local communities ( for example: flood alleviation)

WHISTalks – these will be local based talks (knowledge exchange) from people in the community doing great work that supports their community. We have started production and are working with media company TOMCo.

From the first event, along with Tech4 we developed an electronic health record ID-SOS (EHR) – this card allows you to bring your medical information anywhere in the world through a unique QR card reader.

We have an exciting school project – Holme Head School that we are aiming to open in September 2018 – the model will be student and family focused

The WHIS model can be developed in any community and we have a framework (WHIS Federation) that supports this growth. The platform is for our global communities (7.4 billion people).

We have a shop so people can look and feel good while supporting our activities. By supporting our activities you are directly supporting your local community as our model sees funding go back into local communities.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility – “The future of business is aligned to social value” and through our programmes we can help support, develop and deliver CSR for companies.

Through our work we have developed extensive knowledge in events management and we have successfully supported the British Indian Orthopaedic Society with their annual conference in Cumbria last month.

We are collaborating globally with the Alliances for Discovery (BHI) to develop new IT solutions to support communities.

WHIS has been published in the social entrepreneurs Impact Book. We supported Grant Thornton with workshops on the new NHS Integrated Models of Care.

Our platform uses multiple streams of publications (Media partners Cumbria Today etc) to support our message and has been widely shared across social media which has led to me supporting GP’s through social media workshops.

We’ve also been published by the Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine and contributed to the an EU Social Innovation Report

Support for WHIS has been far and wide and we’ve been delighted to present and speak at a number of international events such as the Dublin Tech Summit 2016, Ehealth Athens, Cumbria Flood Expo, Cambridge Wireless International Conference (The future of healthcare), Trinity College Innovation Showcase, NHS Leadership Academy event in Manchester etc.

Recently we’ve been supporting local cultural event such as the successful Carlisle Culture week and have supported the Give a Day to the City 2015 & 2016 (2017 takes place this week coming).

We’ve been recognised locally by winning the Carlisle Living Innovation Award 2016 and a special recognition award from our peers through the Zenith Global Healthcare Award

We have just been announced as the winner of the NWE Regional Health Service Support Initiative 2017. 

The above WHIS activities are being developed in the following areas across the UK – Manchester , Nottingham (2017), Birmingham(November 2017), Newcastle, Blackpool, Cornwall (2018) and internationally in India, Brazil, Bangladesh and right across Africa.

WHIS brings opportunities to our communities – its people driven with outcomes that benefit the wider community.These activities support our health services, they create social impact and economic opportunity.

Our motto is “Together, We Inspire” and by working together we will inspire and deliver better healthcare. Our goals and vision supports the 17 sustainable development goals as set by the United Nations.

Founder, CEO Gareth Presch

WHIS Brochure

WHIS Values

What’s next in 2017?

Peacefest – Manchester 2/3rd Sept

WORLD HEUTAGOGY DAY 26th September 2017 –

WHIS Birmingham – disabilities and inclusion 18th November 2017