Every human on the planet worries and sometimes, it motivates them to take necessary actions for solving a problem. Worrying becomes threatening when your mind gets stuck with negative thoughts and start to expect worst-case scenarios in every situation. Constant anxious thoughts and fears can make your mind paralyzed and drain your emotional energy. Having said that, chronic worrying can be cured as it is a mental habit that can be broken. All you need is some training to learn how to keep your mind calm and collected in challenging situations.

When Worrying is Bad For You

Feeling nervous in less familiar situations is a normal trait of the human psyche. It’s natural to worry about your debts, upcoming interview or starting a new relationship. At the same time, you should remain conscious and not let it take control of your mind. The moment you feel like your worries are affecting your personal and professional life, you should pick yourself up.

Continuous worrying can produce adverse effects on your physical and mental health. Muscle tension, Insomnia, headache and stomach problems are the most common outcomes of worrying excessively. This is not the time to look for easy options like using alcohol or converting it into anger. Instead, you should try to find things that make you worry.

People who worry too much are the ones who see the world more dangerous than it actually is. They overestimate the probability of mishappenings and underestimate their own abilities to overcome such situations. Common triggers of chronic worrying include over-generalization, thinking only about negatives, underestimating the power of positivity, always expecting worst case scenarios, enforcing strict self-made laws to restrict problem-solving abilities, believing that imaginations are reflections of reality, blaming own self and worrying about things that are out of control.

What You Can Do

Although, it isn’t easy to get out of your mental rut as our minds are programmed to worry about specific things to stay alert. Before doing anything to control worrying, it is important to realize that worrying can be a problem. Once you do that, you can try different methods to overcome it.

Making notes and listing down all your worries on a paper can help in figuring out what actually is worrying you. Also, it helps to differentiate between solvable and unsolvable worries. If the worry is solvable then try to evaluate all the possible solutions and make an action plan. Otherwise, just accept the situation and focus on other things.

Finding someone whom you can talk to about your worries can also help you in relaxing yourself to an extent as well as you can seek their help. Whenever anxious thoughts start to get control of your mind, take a minute off from your life and try to do something different such as moving, meditation or deep breathing.