Writing is a cure for the common… 

Writing helps you become the person you know you want and need to become.

Writing calms your fears. Writing reduces anxiety. 

Writing heals the soul. Writing can save your life.

Some people paint. Painting is writing without words.

Some people teach. Teaching is painting with sound.

Some people take pictures. Photography is teaching without sound.

You have more inside of you that you know, more than you realize.

Your art is waiting to come out. Your art can save your life.

Whatever you do, you know your art is the truest version of yourself.

Sharing yourself, when done with your heart, is service.

Because of an article written by Glenn Leibowitz in December 2016, I challenged myself to write and publish something every single day. 22 months later I am still on track.

It has been a wonderfully eye-opening experience – not as difficult as I thought it would be.

Each day I asked myself 1 question:

What lesson did I learn today?

Once I pondered for a bit, I would write. I would remember my stories and listen to my thoughts and remember my experiences of that day. 

Here is what my stories and September 2018 taught me:

Sep.1, 2018 Loving People = Loving Life

When we love people, we love life.

Happy Birthday, Martin – Thank You For Loving LIFE.

Sep.2, 2018 The Way We Are Built

When you begin to treat others the right way, you feel at peace. It feels natural because that is the way we were built. We are supposed to connect, to help, to serve. We always feel better as we do what we are supposed to do.

Sep.3, 2018 Don’t Waste It

If you are not listening to understand, adding insight or showing the way forward then you are wasting their time. Don’t waste time.

Sep.4, 2018 New Training Needed

We train people to respond to us. We help others treat us the way we expect to be treated. If we want to have better, more fulfilling relationships we need to help others see us by first seeing them.

Sep.5, 2018 Duty of a Leader

The duty and responsibility of a leader is to help others realize their potential as it aligns with the ultimate vision.

Sep.6, 2018 Follow-Through

No matter how hard it becomes, do your part. Never backtrack on your word, follow-through. Trust is built in the furnace of adversity and in the fulfillment of duty.

Sep.7, 2018 Trusting Others To Trust You

Trust is a two-way street. Trust can be felt. To build trust you must extend trust. The more you trust others, the more they will trust you.

Sep.8, 2018 Answer The Tough Ones

To get better, ask better questions. Ask yourself: What else could I be doing? Who else can I be helping? How did I improve to today? What do others really need from me? When you honestly answer the toughest questions, you will always find ways to improve. When you grow, so does everyone around you.

Sep.9, 2018 Finding Humility

The more truth you accept, the more truth you will be given. You can only grow if you search, learn, and accept. Once you receive truth, you will crave to find more. Finding truth is the opposite of pride. Only humble people can learn. If you do not accept truth, it proves you are unwilling to learn and are full of pride. It is up to you to determine who you want to be. We are all imperfect; the good thing is we can always change. It is a choice. One minute we can be unwilling to learn and the next we can be searching for truth. It is up to us to decide.

Sep.10, 2018 Pretending To Care

There isn’t a person much worse than someone who doesn’t care about others. Actually, the only one worse is the person who pretends to care about others but doesn’t.

Sep.11, 2018 Work To Find Yourself

There is nothing wrong with hard work. Actually, there is almost nothing of value that doesn’t come from hard work. Hard work is needed to create and shape your character. You don’t develop as a person until you embrace work.

Sep.12, 2018 Getting Through

No one knows exactly what life will bring. That is why we prepare, we study, we train, we serve. Experience and determination coupled with power from the higher source – helps us get through all situations.

Sep.13, 2018 Be Fair

Life isn’t fair. But you can be a fair person. We can always treat others fairly. That doesn’t mean you treat everyone the same. That wouldn’t be fair. You treat people as individuals since they are unique and they must be valued uniquely. By seeing others as people you can treat them the way they need to be treated, as unique people with needs and wants as valid as your own.

Sep.14, 2018 Discipline & Routine

Discipline is not just having a routine. Routines are easy to follow when everything is going perfectly. Discipline means sticking to your values and principles when you are thrown out of your game when the situation is unfamiliar, and your normal life is torn apart. Discipline is the strength to act in the face of adversity. Routines are great when life is simple – when it is not – you need discipline.

Sep.15, 2018 Goals Accomplished = Value

In sales, selling value is key. It means being curious enough to understand your client and knowing what will drive growth for them. Value is not functionality. Value is not benefits. Value is defined by the client. Helping them achieve their purpose is the value they perceive.

Sep.16, 2018 Structure

Our days become our weeks, months, and our years. Our years become our life. How we structure our day is how we structure our life. We will always be supported by and fill the structure we create.

Sep.17, 2018 Really Meaning It

The only way to find meaning is to share yourself with others. You can create meaning by loving others.

I am thankful for my courageous and beautiful Emilie, who always helps me create meaning. Happy Birthday.

Sep.18, 2018 High Esteem

When you are confident you trust and believe in your ability. When you have high self-esteem you know your true worth, your value. They are both needed to be able to maximize your potential. Self-esteem and self-confidence go hand-in-hand. Your worth is not tied to your achievements, it is tied to something much bigger, the universal truth that we are all important, that we all have value and that we all matter. The more people can feel and understand their worth, the more courage they will have. With courage, you can fulfill your potential.

Sep.19, 2018 Attention Management

Being productive is not about time management, it is only about attention management. What you focus on happens.

Sep.20, 2018 Taking Action = Courage

Taking action in spite of anxiety is courage.

Taking action in the face of fear is courage.

Taking action while drowning in sorrow is courage.

Taking action even when hurting is courage.

Sep.21, 2018 1 Thing To Do

One thing – with luck, with persistence, and done well can change everything. So keep working, keep doing. The problem is, you will not know what that 1 thing is. So keep going.

Sep.22, 2018 Leaders & Labels

The labeling theory is very real. We live up to the labels we accept. True leaders help others live to their potential with correct labels, because they can see and know the power of the people they lead. (People are not problems, but we ALL have problems)

Sep.23, 2018 What Do You Value?

People always pay for what they value. They pay with time or money or attention or all three. What you give your time, attention, and money to proves what you value.

Sep.24, 2018 Remove Choices

Create successful situations by removing all negative options. Use your agency to eliminate bad choices. When you have no choice but to make the right choice, then the right choice will be made. Your agency is still in-tact, it was just used earlier in the process. This way you can focus on becoming who you want to become.

Sep.25, 2018 Active Patience

Active Patience is the one skill that we all need more of. Active patience has nothing to do with waiting, and everything to do with preparing. It is the ability to quiet your mind while you take massive action. Active Patience allows you to get ready, to do work, to hone your skills, while you know that the best is yet to come.

Sep.26, 2018 Take Note…

We all want to do more, to get more done, to accomplish our purpose. If you make a mental commitment the night before, the chance of doing it the next day skyrockets. So every night, plan your tomorrow. It will help.

Sep.27, 2018 Teach

Keep teaching. Keep helping. The best way to learn is to teach. Less painful than experience, faster than studying from others. Teach, teach, teach!

Sep.28, 2018 How To Create

You don’t need to create something from scratch. Creation is just as much about improving the old. Take something old and make it 1% better. That is creation. That is innovation.

Sep.29, 2018 Share Your Ideas

Creation is important. Selling is more important. No matter how good something is, if people don’t know or understand the impact there is no value. Getting your ideas in front of people is the most important thing you can do.

Sep.30, 2018 Read Less, Do More

Reading stuff without applying it doesn’t help. Read and do more. Teach others. Do what you learn. Make it real. Keep going.

In conclusion…

You might paint. You might sculpt. You might build fountains. You might build houses. You might grow roses. You might sing. You might teach. You might lift. Your art could be anything. Maybe it is your job. Maybe it is your family. Maybe it is your service. 

Whatever your art is, practice it, master it, and let it be seen.

When you accept your art and decide to act, you can begin to find yourself. You will connect with who you really are. 

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