In the world of writing, the task of completion is a daily one. Whether it is for journalism, creative writing, poetry, non-fiction, or any other category, there is a requirement when it comes to getting things done. In having to stick to due dates, the completion process is hurried. Sometimes the work of completing our projects, tasks, and assignments requires us to move through time, in a rushed state. After all, we want to be on time for our work. There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing you are a writer, who is able to get their work in, on time! Yet, there is a quality question needing to be addressed. Is the on time work, of quality? Note that there is a huge difference between being sufficient and of a certain quality. Sufficient translates as having what is needed. That is the difference. It does not always translate into quality.
One of the challenges of being a writer is our ability to maintain the art of quality with time. The work must be done. There is no doubt about that. Yet, even with the quickness of completing assignments and due dates, there is a necessity in ensuring that rushed words are just as nutritious, as the ones we have to take our time with. There is a particular energy, associated with being able to move quickly into writer’s completion, while doing it with the richness it deserves. Regardless of us doing it for a job, or as a hobby, writing is still sacred. It will always be sacred. Therefore, it must be treated with the care and docility it deserves. It doesn’t matter if you have to rush through it, or not. What matters is that you have to go through a particular journey in mastering the power of writing swiftly and artistically. Few are able to master that!
So, now that we have laid out the very foundation of being able to move in a fast pace, with an artistic touch, let’s address the wellness of doing so!
One of the things, which limits our ability to move swiftly, and nutritiously, is that we are not given the opportunity to evaluate what is going on, internally. Are we in balance, or out of control, as it pertains to our emotional and spiritual psyche? Do we make sure to go through our spiritual cleansing each and every day, before we get to work? What allows for us to move through our writing projects, in a way that is nutritious, regarding our writing tasks, is when we are in our natural element. That is very true! Are we centered? That’s another important question, needing to be asked!
Then, there is an additional element to writing fast. Yes, there are due dates. There are tasks needing to be accomplished for the day. So, yes! Certain tasks require that we increase our steps, when writing on a particular topic. Things have to be submitted in on time. Simultaneously, there are also ways of writing quickly, so that we are enjoying the process. Let’s move through the morning in explore these tips to start your day, as a passionate and relaxed writer!
1. Relax

Removing anxiety and stress from our Being, as we create. One of the mental tricks of writing rapidly, without the causing rigidity in our hands, is to first. . .relax! Relax, even in the midst of having to take care of due dates, and completing one’s assignments for that day. Within relaxation lays the fluidity we need, within our hands.
2. Imagine Beauty Within The Assignments

One of the strategies of seeing writing assignments as spaces of creativity, moreso than a chore, is to imagine them as painting projects. After all, that’s what words are, forms of painting-verbal painting! Allow oneself to see the beauty of within one’s work. It illuminates the life within them, and allows you to receive the nutrition you can gain in working through them.
3. Decorate Your Writing/Work Space

During the moments when you have to move through the day, with rapid speed, make sure that you have created serenity around the work/writing station. How one decorates the writing station provides the writing sanctuary, that is needed to take on each writing tasks with the tact, and completion, it needs.
4. Get Up Early In the Morning
When you know that you have to complete a lot of writing tasks for the day, make sure you are giving yourself time for mental preparation. Allow yourself to move through the early morning with serenity and peace. Remembered, you want to make sure that your transition is smooth when immersing yourself into the tasks, at hand.

5. Enjoy the Journey!
As contrary to what we may believe, work can be enjoyable. There are different mantras to moving through our work days with the happiness we deserve. As opposed to feeling drained, we should actually feel RESTORED after a wellness day of work.
Dear Fellow Writers,
Writing is an art. No matter the assignment or work needed to be done, know that writing is a realm of infinite aesthetics. It is practiced, and performed, across the world. So, see each day as a therapy in your writing assignments. They don’t have to be painful, unless we permit them to be. Work well and find the wellness, in all that’s in store! ? ? ? ?