Sabine Gisiger is a soft-spoken woman, intuitive and philosophical. Born in 1959 in Zurich, Sabine Gisiger studied history in Zurich and Pisa. Since 1990, Sabine has been making memorable films and documentaries, including the remarkable Yalom’s Cure in 2014. 

Yalom’s Cure is a fly on the wall bio about the 86-year-old psychotherapist and bestselling author Irvin D. Yalom. This gentle film takes the audience on an existential journey through the human psyche layers. And in the tour guide’s role, Yalom shares his insights and provides deep wisdom into his own life. 

The film offers insights into the therapeutic work by Yalom and the inner life of the man and author. The starting point is Yalom’s childhood in Washington, as the offspring of Jewish-Russian immigrants, he grew up in modest conditions.

His early acquaintance with his wife, Marylin, a successful academic in literary studies and gender studies, also played an essential role in Yalom’s theoretical and therapeutic thinking. He is convinced that because human beings are lonely, they strive for partnerships with others.

“The better we know ourselves, the better our lives become,” ― Irvin D. Yalom

Irvin and Marilyn Yalom we’re married for over 60 years. Yalom confesses that “we never stopped loving and respecting each other.” On 23rd April 2021, Filmcoopi is organising a joint viewing of Yalom’s Cure on its Film Live streaming channel. Afterwards, Irvin Yalom and filmmaker Sabine will be there for an online discussion, where you can also ask questions directly or via chat.

“One of the great paradoxes of life is that self-awareness breeds anxiety.” ― Irvin D. Yalom.

It will be a reflective reunion for Irv lost his Marylin at the end of 2019. The two of them kept a diary of sorts in the year she died at her request. “A Matter of Life and Death”  has already been published in English and will be released in German in May.

Tickets are now available here: With an interactive Q&A after the film with Irvin D. Yalom and Sabine Gisiger.


  • Sunita Sehmi

    Organisational Dev I Exec Leadership Coach I Author I Mentor I

    Walk The Talk

    Org Dev Consultant I Exec Leadership Performance Coach I DEI Warrior I Author I Mentor I Work smarter I Live better I Think deeper. With over three decades of expertise in multicultural environments, Sunita brings a unique blend of Indian, British, and Swiss heritage to her consultancy, fostering a deep understanding of organisational contexts and her clients. Sunita’s insights and expertise are tailored to elevate your leadership.