Yes I Can

Yes I can, yes I can, I tell myself all the time

These are new words for me

These are new thoughts for me

I am the girl of “you can’t”

I am the woman of “why bother”


Yes you can, yes you can I tell myself now

Somehow I heard somewhere that our brain believes our words

Yes you can, I tell my heart and my soul and yes, even my hands and my feet

Yes you can I tell them all,

And, somehow they seem to hear me lately.


The funny part is that I always could, I just didn’t know it

Wrapped in the blinded vision of a weak self, I didn’t see it

Not one personal praise did I ever give any one of my accomplishments

Just bowed my head and glibly counted my incompetence

I thought I was meant to be this way


But, one day, not sure where and when I realized a really odd truth

That, somehow willy nilly, I had done what I had unbeknownst to me set out to do!

Yes I did learn the darn third language enough to make it better than even my first

I married very well indeed and formed quite a fine family

I even live in a country that is the number one destination for any poor destitute


Yes I can, yes I can, I tell myself all the time

These are new words for me

These are new thoughts for me
