yoga with a face mask

Today, nobody is a stranger to the word Coronavirus. It has been a year since this virus made its way into our lives. As the threat increased, the stay-at-home order started to get even stricter. However, with cases declining slowly, the lockdown has begun to ease. Having to stay at home for such a long period has made people lazy. With gyms and yoga studios opening again, everyone is looking to get back in shape. In fact, millennials who love activewear are looking for facemasks that match their outfits.

However, everyone is confused about how it is going to be like doing yoga exercise with a facemask on. People are still wondering whether or not it is safe to join the yoga studio. Will it be possible to keep 6 feet of distance from everyone? Does the equipment constantly need to be wiped down?

Some of the gym junkies are also thinking of continuing with their home yoga routine. They are wondering if it is safe to perform yoga with a facemask on. That’s what we are going to discuss in this article. Let’s learn whether or not it is necessary to keep a facemask on while doing yoga.

Is it safe to perform yoga with a facemask on?

According to the experts, it is safe to perform yoga with a facemask on. For the majority of people, it is easy to perform moderate to strenuous exercises while wearing a facemask. However, while performing these activities, they need to monitor whether or not they are feeling dizzy, lightheaded, numb, shortness of breath, or tingling.

Who should not wear a facemask while doing yoga?

People with respiratory problems or underlying cardiovascular diseases should not wear a facemask while doing high-intensity exercises or performing yoga. Depending upon the severity of their condition they should choose to keep their mask on or off. These people need to be extra cautious while performing yoga while wearing a mask.

But what about the risk of catching Coronavirus while performing yoga without a mask? There is a very convenient solution to curb your chances of catching the virus while exercising without a facemask. According to the experts, people with respiratory conditions should perform yoga at home, that too, without a mask. This will ensure their safety along with that of the others around them.

The most common conditions that can cause problems while performing yoga with a mask on include asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), cystic fibrosis or any other heart or lungs related health issue.

Those who suffer from cardiovascular or respiratory conditions should always consult their doctor before planning to perform yoga with a facemask. If your doctor is not available, you can ask the doctor at your gym facility to help you out. Make sure you are aware of the problems that can arise if you choose to wear a mask while performing yoga.

People who have not worked out or performed yoga in months also need to be extra careful. They should consider their breathing capacity while heading out to the yoga studio to perform yoga with a facemask on. The intensity of the exercise should also be considered while joining the yoga studio after a long while. By keeping the intensity from low to moderate, they can prevent symptoms including fainting and dizziness.

What happens when you perform yoga while wearing a face mask?

Yoga includes breathing exercises. This physical activity relieves anxiety by making you breathe. It is very important to maintain a flow of air to your lungs while performing yoga. When you wear a protective facemask, the flow of air your lungs receive decreases. It is much lower as compared to the flow of air lungs get during normal breathing. Lesser oxygen to the lungs means a lower level of oxygen entering the bloodstream and providing your muscles less energy to move. If your muscles won’t receive the required amount of oxygen, performing yoga will get difficult.

With the advent of facemask technology, we have a variety of facemasks options available in the market. These masks differ in the airflow level restriction. The thickness of the material decides how much air will flow to the lungs. When your body receives less air, your muscles have less oxygen to use. This makes it hard for your body to convert glucose into energy.

It is also revealed that even people with a high level of fitness should expect difficulty in performing yoga for the first time while wearing a facemask. However, as time passes, they will get used to adjusting their breathing capacity to the difficulty level of yoga.

In a matter of weeks, their body will adapt to the change and will become more efficient at breaking down oxygen to suffice the body’s need for glucose. This will make it easier for them to perform yoga like they normally do. However, while performing a regular yoga exercise, one needs to stop as soon as he starts feeling dizzy, overly fatigued, or imbalanced. It is very important not to take the risk by overdoing yoga exercises.

How does it feel like to perform yoga with a facemask on?

While performing high-intensity yoga exercises with a mask on, it is common to experience increased breathing resistance. You will get out of breath quicker than usual. It might be harder to perform yoga the same way you used to when it wasn’t mandatory to wear a facemask. Your yoga timing might also suffer when you perform yoga with a mask on.

Wrapping up

Heading out in public with a facemask on has become the new normal. Be it a gym or yoga studio, it is important to wear a facemask if you want to avoid getting sick while trying to get into shape. However, if you suffer from an underlying respiratory condition, you should consider performing yoga at home without a facemask. This will keep you safe from the coronavirus while making it easier for you to exercise without facing breathing restrictions.
