Unprecedented times have come down around us like a dark force, making some of us feel like no light can shine through. There is nothing worse than feeling dis empowered in your life. That hopeless feeling that you are a victim of circumstances. For many of us right now, a sense of displacement and uncertainty is brewing fear in our consciousness. We are feeling the effects of the global crisis no matter where we turn. Our streets are emptier, our faces are covered, and we have no real idea when, or if, things will return to the familiarity and comfort of what we deem ‘normal’.
A drastic change in circumstances is affecting us all right now, but there is a way for each of us to move forward, and realign ourselves with the basics of life, so that when other things beyond our control change, we still stand strong in our power. The power we have, and will always have, lies within our mind and in manifesting our thoughts.
Often, we do not realise how much our thoughts shape our experiences of reality. We have forgotten how to recognise negative from positive and we function on autopilot day in, day out. Our negative thought patterns are felt through our experience of fear, anxiety, shame, and depression. We get trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts, fuelled by external circumstances, and conditions, that keep us spiralling down.
The art of appreciating the simple things in life is dying out. We have become hungry consumers, entrenched in our social media lives. We are plugged in and switched on. We feed on it, define ourselves by it, and distance ourselves from genuine, soul-enriching connections with others. With all that is happening around us, there is no better time than to switch off your TV, mobile phone, or computer, and shake off the vampires that have been feeding on your energy. Leaving you depleted, and feeling more alone than ever.
Now is the time to take charge, believe in the “creating” power you and everyone were born with. Once you start believing in your potential to create endless opportunities for yourself, your life will begin to transform. Ask yourself, “What really matters to me”? Keep it simple at first. Visualise these things, and open your heart to the positive feelings associated with your values. By visualising what matters most to you, you are practising the first step to becoming a skilled artisan of your destiny.
When we begin to understand that it is our thoughts that shape our experience and that we are the creators of our destiny, we can begin to reclaim our power and change our life. If you have lived existence on auto-pilot then it can be very difficult to develop an objective appraisal of your thoughts and determine why you are experiencing reoccurring troubling emotions. It takes a lot of self-awareness and reflection to shift your thought patterns.
We are vastly complex creatures and discovering the root cause of your pain can be the most challenging journey you will embark on. You are not alone. Support and encouragement are available when you need it. An lived -experienced mentor can help you to make that pivotal shift in your consciousness so that you can find personal understanding, and healing, creating the space in your life to welcome more joy and love, and finally be your true authentic self.
Building resilience is an important part of taking charge of your destiny. To do this, you must learn how to step out of from the shadow of fear, and confront what you are truly afraid of. Ask yourself, “What am I so afraid of”? By answering this question you will be able to identify the mental roadblocks that are obstructing your way towards peace, joy, and love.
Your thoughts are far more powerful than you realise. They can manifest as toxic bombs that leach onto other thoughts, forcing you to live an existence of negativity and unhappiness. Or, they can manifest as precious gems that, when appreciated and given attention, multiply and enrichen your life, leading to a more peaceful and positive existence. Once you truly accept that you have power over your thoughts and you have experienced the positive side effects in your life, you will no longer feel like a mere victim of your circumstances. You will be able to shed your victim mindset, like a restrictive outfit that you have outgrown, and become a person with intention, action, and purpose.
When you become a person of purpose, your strength will shine like a beacon of light and be an inspiration for others. You will begin to create possibilities, and more and more possibilities will come your way, multiplying. You will feel aligned: spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, with your mission and values. Your attitude will be heard through the confidence in your voice, and you will be amazed at how you find yourself having a positive influence on others around you. Seeing this will inspire you, and you will become even more motivated to create good, thus the cycle will repeat.
How awe-inspiring it is to realise that all this starts with the simple yet powerful choice to make a shift in your thoughts. By simply replacing your fearful thoughts of ‘what might be’ with appreciative thoughts of ‘what is’, could be the first step you take to changing your destiny.
Keep in mind, we are all connected, and having vulnerabilities is what makes each of us human. Most of our personal growth is done by confronting our vulnerabilities. We all have to start somewhere, and consciously choose what we want in our life. It doesn’t matter where you are on your path of understanding. What matters is your awareness of the inherent power you have as a human being. All change happens from an individual’s desire for change. Recognise where you have influence in your life, listen to your heart, accept and then let go of negative thoughts that do not serve you, choose positive thoughts that lead to positive actions, and be RESPONSEable.
Ultimately it’s your own individual choice on why, how and what you choose to do, remember whatever choice you make, life goes on either way.