Many years ago, after getting way too burned out, I decided to be GREAT. It wasn’t an easy or fast transition, but ultimately I was successful.
To this day, when someone asks me how I am, I answer. “Great!” And I mean it.
Backing up my decision to be “great,” is a series of smaller decisions and actions. I started taking care of myself and shifted what I do and how I work. Importantly, I crafted this as my purpose and committed to live it:
“With heart, creativity, and compassion I inspire myself and others to have the courage to be true to ourselves, dream big, and harness the power of us – so that together we are a force of nature, and anything is possible.”
Your ability to see the positive—and to be the light for others—is a vital skill, in both good times as well as bad.
With challenges and disruption all around us, it is important not to hold that back. Be authentically yourself and realize it can really help people. Especially now.
When you see other people suffer hardships or loss, you can be there for them, too. It doesn’t mean you have to feel that way. They don’t need you to feel sad; they need your positive, healing energy.
That said, it’s also important not to deny reality. I have friends who have seen significant portions of their client base disappear, and some are in denial. Fortunately, however, these are talented people. It may not be easy, but once they deal with reality, they’ll once again be on a path towards success.
I have empathy for my friends—and for all those who are struggling around the world—but I’m still great. My positivity and support can help them; sinking into sadness would not be helpful.
So, don’t let the perception that you ought to be sad sink your spirits; support your friends, colleagues and all others you encounter. Uplift them. Make an intentional decision to act this way.
At the same time, show self-compassion. Be your own best friend. Like anything else, it takes real effort to follow through on the decision to bring positive energy into the world. You won’t be perfect every day. You may stumble occasionally. But there’s always a chance to do better tomorrow.
Photo credit: @edulauton via Upsplash
Created by Molly Tschang