There are many things that are clearly beyond your control. For example: the weather, the price of gas, natural disasters, the national debt, other people; just to mention a few.
SO… why do you keep wasting your time and emotional energy on the things that you have absolutely no control over? All that accomplishes is a lot of frustration, angst, disappointment, and oftentimes anger.
In addition, when you feel a loss of control it has a direct impact on your happiness.
Therefore it is important to be aware of those things that have a negative impact on your life, that you really have no control over; and change your attitude about them. Be realistic and focus on the things over which you do have control. Remember that your attitude has a profound effect on your overall well being; and your potential.
Here are some action steps:
• Be aware of how you talk to yourself and to others
• Take ownership for your actions ( “I am responsible”)
• Focus on the things that you have the power to control
• Inspire and empower others
• Avoid Negatrons (people that thrive on complaining, criticizing, and condemning)
• Choose your friends wisely (You can’t change your friends… But… You can change your friends)
• Be solution oriented
• Use your time and energy in positive, productive ways
• Stay focused on the good that already exists (it is all around you)
• Be a positive role model
• Maintain a positive attitude
• Limit your exposure to the news
• Be grateful for what you “do” have
Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.