Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, it is praised as ever to be a healthcare worker. After all, they do put in endless hours and dedicate their time to tend to people’s ailments, trying their best to heal the sick and injured. Though with all the hustle and bustle around the medical world, it is understandable that people might feel a sense of obligation to go down that career path.
People notably go into the medical realm because they have a calling to do something purposeful and impactful in life, and they believe that directly helping others is the fulfillment that can satisfy that inner calling. While pursuing such paths with that logic is honorable, it should not be the only reason for becoming a healthcare worker – a fault that numerous people make. It is more important than ever for people to understand that you do not need to work in a hospital to be a hero.
Before the pandemic, I wanted to be a doctor. Dealing with my own health challenges inspired me to assist others in their struggles, but when doctors could not give me a definite solution or an answer for my problems, I began to think differently about becoming a doctor. Doctors do not have special powers, they are just ordinary humans who decided to dedicate their life to learning what humanity already knows. In actuality, even all researchers and scientists can do is build off of what they know. Humanity’s knowledge is not superior, what makes humanity so great is our passion for what we choose to do in life.
That is right, passion is what makes a hero. A hero is the average human with enough perseverance and determination to accomplish more of their expertise than anyone else can. They work with skill and seek opportunity, always striving to be the best they can be, no matter the circumstance. It does not take a fancy title tacked onto your name, it does not even take a high school diploma to be someone that leaves every room hung up over your unique aura. Substantial, meaningful impact can be done by anyone that acts upon their personal passions.
You might wonder, “How would one even know where to begin when it comes to finding their true passions?” You have to find what you love doing day in and day out, and try to make the very most of that. Every chance you get to perfect your craft, you ought to take it. Every chance you get to further the demand for your craft, you ought to take that too. Applying your talent everywhere and anywhere you come across is key for maximizing your success in turning what you love into a lifelong endeavor. Nothing is “too stupid,” “too outlandish, or “too impossible.” The first step to finding your passions is believing that you will eventually find what those may be. Just as the old saying goes, “follow your heart.” Your brain is only there to make it all come together.