Good things come in small packages or in this case one micro step at a time.
The pandemic and lockdown was hard and along with it taught us many hard lessons. Adapting and learning from examples before us was one thing but learning to cope to the unknown and the then, new situation was another. With the changing landscape of work and working from home full time did feel more like living at work rather than working from home. When everything became overwhelming I turned inwards, I started meditation. Initially I had my doubts if it would work, so I started small. I initially began with 5 mins meditation as it was an easily achievable goal. With so many apps and guides available online I finally started mindful meditation. It does get challenging in the beginning as you realise thoughts come and go and focus is shifted from the breathing to different thoughts that come in, however with time I learnt the concentration only gets better and once the rhythm sets in you begin to see wonders.
With practising daily meditation I could set the tone for the day even before my day started. I started being more positive and hopeful. Not only could I manage the responsibilities and shared space of work and home, I could also set some time aside for my personal achievable goals of learning language, reading and doing some cardio and just like that I was able to see positive changes in my mind, body and overall well being.
The secret is indeed in starting small. I started with 5 mins but going strong on dedicated 10mins daily and that has made all the difference.