I wanted to honor Black History Month and Valentine’s Day by sharing a review by Ria Vanessa Caliste that truly surprised me.  Why did it surprise me?

Simply put, Ria Vanessa pointed out an aspect of “Be Careful What You Wish For” that had not occurred to me.  Never had I even considered it throughout all the time that I was writing the book nor anytime thereafter.  But I was delighted to realize that the book was “helping” in such a way, and even more so that Ria Vanessa brought this to light.  Given the story is based upon real life, I get how she drew this conclusion.  But let me not give all the credit to the book alone.

Ria Vanessa Caliste is an incredible lady of whom I crossed paths with on Medium after being taken with one of her own writings.  I’ve been reading her work ever since.  Now you will be too and together we can appreciate the unique voice and perspective Ria Vanessa Caliste brings to “Be Careful What You Wish For”.  If you are single, you are going to want to read this:

“The reading was captivating and I was hooked from start to finish.  I saw the sequenced development of the story and the gripping desire to know what comes next, left me at the edge of my seat literally as I read on.

Laura unfolded the story in such a way that I felt as an active participant in the events as they occurred.  

The book also helped answer a personal question for me on how I would know when I have found someone I love.  If you want to know the answer, then definitely read on!!

You can take this book and see yourself in it as it unfolds in a way which allows you to personally identify at all stages of the story’s development.  Intricately woven, yet simple to follow.  Keeps you going to the very end!!!

It is definitely a must read and look forward to seeing the movie.  Congrats on a well written book.”