There is a huge difference between learning from textbooks and learning from industry leaders. No, this is not an assumption or a quote by a business honcho. But about 97% of youngsters believe it. While students at colleges and universities get a fair taste to listen to industry experts, their time to share insights, experiences are never enough. More so, with the changing skill needs and to be corporate-ready, relevant guidance is even more precious.
The millennials agree that guidance from industry veterans at the critical stage when they are exploring options, discovering their path enhances their personal growth and provides a major boost to their careers. In its attempt to understand the mentoring needs of the Young Turks, CompliMentors’ new year Employment survey with 1000 postgraduate students who are readying themselves for the employment cycle of 2021, provided great insights into the benefits of being mentored by professional experts.
A crystal-clear response from the participants was that learning from corporate practitioners will add more value to their learning outcome. In our country, customized learning and mentorship programs still aren’t seen as a student’s primary need. A huge sum is spent on various coaching classes to push them towards a predefined goal. But often it is seen that without any interest in the subject or field of work, the student might feel both distracted and unmotivated. This leads to poor results. This is the primary reason why youngsters may feel the need to have a differentiated experience from a veteran who can help them not only learn new skills but also get a personal equation to seek answers to their specific doubts.
Also, this eagerness to learn from industry experts doesn’t come from the intent of networking or hope of job recommendation. While a small percentage saw them as benefits, over 80% said that the prime goal of their enrolment is the chance to get real experience.
Old charms still win to be under the wing of a mentor
One would have imagined that since online classes have become the new norm ever since the pandemic began, that would be the top pick. But no! Physical classes still appeal more, and with the lack of them from almost a year, students yearn even more for them to return, revealed the survey. Over 72% of the participants want to interact with their mentors one-on-one.
When asked about what skills and training they feel most needed with changing job markets, apart from the functional areas like machine learning, six sigma principle and other respective fields, there are multiple soft skills they wished to learn from their mentors. Over 90% want to learn communication skills, while over 80% want to understand the different ways of problem-solving techniques. Critical thinking, building social media know-how and time management were the other prominent choices.
Democratizing Experiential Learning
The visionary, Henry Ford when he launched the first manufacturing plant to build automobiles, said he wanted to open the highways to mankind and democratize mobility. Today, the changing face of Edu-Tech industry is at similar inflection point with online education opening doors to help career seekers with innovative ways not only to enrich them with skills but step up to opportunities of experiential learning and people networks that are far and wide.
Responding to such needs, program like CompliMentors’ Elevate Masterclass has been conceived to enhance learning experiences with custom-designed workplace and employability skills to offer solutions to both the employer and students. Trainings are designed to get companies’ corporate ready talent and young aspirants get under the wing of industry insiders and learn directly from them.
A learner Ritesh’, who participated in the Elevate workshop experience, is worth noting. He said, “Every student doesn’t enter the workspace having come from a great academic background in college, and unfortunately they may not get proper guidance even from their own personal networks. Honestly, the mentors at CompliMentors are transforming stones into pure gems. After I enrolled in these masterclasses, I felt a positive change as a result of receiving precise feedback and constructive criticism which made me more confident”
CompliMentors Employment survey helped understand the gap that currently exists when it comes to mentorship and learning needs and not only strengthened its objective but also provided great insights into what are the young professionals’ requirements.
The Author: Deeptie Sethi, is a global Communications Specialist and Co-Founder of CompliMentors, a purpose driven platform that curates mentoring relationships with an aim to empower young millennial to realize their full potential and achieve greater success.