Can you recall anyone who has light around them and it makes you want to stay in their presence? They feel interesting, warm, and make your feel inspired.

Their secret is energy that they emit. Our emotions and thoughts are energy waves which slowly leak into our environment.

These energy waves are our most precious asset because they create everything in our lives. Your energy is your currency that attracts experiences and people into your life.

What is your energy responsible for?

  1. Attractiveness. I know that it would be perhaps easier to apply a magical cream to make skin glow. But no cream, no pill, or surgery can replace the power of energy. Some women are trying hard to replace their inner light with cosmetic products, yet you can still feel like it’s not real and the effects fade away quickly. On the contrary, some men and women have what we call charisma, and we can feel their inner light clearly. Regardless of how little cosmetics they use. The beauty comes within. If someone has a beautiful soul and heart, then they are the most attractive. When you make caring of your energy your priority, the real magic happens.
  2. Attracting money. It may seem that money almost effortlessly flow to certain people while others have to work hard to get by. The truth is that money follows the energy.The more abundant you feel within, the more energy you have and the more money comes your way. On the contrary, worries decrease our sense of worth and diminish your inner light. You spend a lot of energy on worries and doubts that you never get back. Since money is a form of energy, it likes to be attracted to another form of energy.
  3. Happiness is the flow. Happiness is the opposite of feeling contracted. When we feel like we’d rather stay in bed, hide somewhere, or we feel ashamed – we are in a contracted mode. There isn’t enough space around us. It’s like you’d be swimming in a river (being in flow) and then you’d get stuck on the rocks in the river (state of contraction). Metaphorically speaking, we feel unhappy when we cut ourselves off the flow (get stuck on rocks). We forget that things can be easy and we energetically contract. Thus we cut ourselves off the great energetic flow. We deny our energy abundance overflowing around us.
  4. Relationships. Love is flow and energy. When people fall in love, they love the radiating of someone else. They feel the same vibe, and thus they feel superfluous with their own energy. When they start to feel disconnected from each other, it’s because the energy doesn’t flow naturally between them anymore. It doesn’t matter if you’re without a partner or in a relationship, the way how to be on the loving vibe attracting love is to take care of your energy. Energy is what others feel from you and on what basis they decide to like you or not.
  5. Aging. Another great reason why to take care of your energy is aging. Body cells literally live from light and energy. When the energy doesn’t flow to cells in some particular area, we develop an illness, and we age faster. Cells need to feel spacious and abundant with light to work at their best. Certain foods or physical activities bring in more light but also when we meditate; we allow the light to come in.

There are endless reasons why to take care of our energy. I named just a few but remember that your energy is your currency. The way you treat yourself is the way others will treat you.



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  • Sylvia Salow

    Life Coach, Public Speaker, Author. TEDx Talk:

    Sylvia Salow is a life coach, international public speaker, and author. Her mission is to help people step into their potential by guiding them to release their limiting beliefs that keep them from the life they desire. In her work, she guides people to rewire their mindset, clear up the energy blueprints of limiting patterns, and reconnect them with their inner guidance. You can also watch her TEDx Talk on "How to Feel and Find Your Life Purpose." Download a FREE guide to help you find your life purpose. Or join a weekly newsletter to receive new articles and inspiration, as well as, free past monthly challenges. Read more at her website: or get inspired by her two books.