Have you ever stopped to observe the bite in your fork right before you put it in your mouth?
What are the colors, the convention of foods, the layers, the smell?
Then, the texture in your mouth, the flavors of all different foods.
How that will fill your body and soul? What are the nutrients that contented?
All these questions may seem silly or boring but this exercise makes a total difference in the experience of eating.
When I first moved definitely here to California, I was amazed that people weren’t sitting to eat their meal. They ate in the car, on the way or even in the restaurant, it was eating and leaving, and it seemed really fast to me.
I wasn’t used to that. We sat in the table, all together, we ate and talk and share, laugh or had discussions. It was a slow fun tasteful experience 3 times a day! Can you believe that?
Now, I am Americanized.
Although I won’t eat in the car or on the go, meals are not the same, foremost because here I don’t have that many of my people. But the experience of eating a meal is still the same, I stop and prepare my meals, I love what I eat and what I do. I don’t want to miss a bit of any experience, even when it is a small one.
I am present, I know what I want to eat, is well thought in advance, it makes me happy and I know my body will be happy too, it will make my body stronger and healthier, it will nourish my brain, it will give me peace and comfort.
I pay attention every step on the way and I try to do that with everything, with every conversation, every look, every second. I don’t want to miss it, not a single one.
Although many times I do, I miss it or I forget something or I made a mistake. Of course! I am as human as everyone else, but I always put my intention into what I do or eat.
Do something with intention means that you do it for a reason, whatever that is. You gave a thought before you did it or ate it, that way, the experience is highly rewarding. Also at the end of the day, you will have a feeling of achievement instead of exhaustion and being defeated.
My suggestion, think before you do or eat or talk, put an intention to your meals or doings, it will give more value and you will be more present with every living experience.