Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

We are wired for safety, not success.

I’ve watched hundreds of people hold themselves back because of just this.

But not you, and certainly not me. We are different.


Please comment below to let me know I am not alone.

I came out to myself about my success addiction this past year. It took great effort to uncover it, but I finally came face to face with the one flaw that had been holding me back for the first 43 years of my life.

You see, I am wired for safety too, except stacking up success was one of my ways to stay safe.

In case you missed it, take a peek here to read more on this. Here’s a brief recap:

I used achievements to get attention from my parents, but what I more deeply desired was their love.

And somewhere along the way that coping mechanism turned in to a character flaw. A flaw that produced success. So it has served me well, but there’s a dark side too.

I would stack up accolades to the ceiling and then fall apart. Sabotaging myself in some way. Only allowing a certain level of success because I believed I was either 1) not good enough or 2) shining too brightly 3) all basically leading to the idea you would not love me anymore.

I knew most of this, but I was not able to see the pattern I had created that was holding me back. I actually knew I was self-sabotaging but could not solve it. And believe me, I love to solve puzzles but this one was a doozy.

It was affecting my happiness at work, at home, my level of income and ultimately my joy for life.

Some of the ways it showed up for me:

  • I felt bored or anxious and was not able to predict which it would be from day to day
  • I felt disconnected from myself, my husband, and generally everyone around me
  • I knew I looked successful on the outside, but I felt extremely unsuccessful on the inside
  • I knew something was really off, but I could not put my finger on it
  • And most importantly, I did not know how to talk about it and who I could share it with


Do you know what it is?

You see in my case, my pattern of success addiction was keeping me safe. Somewhere along the way as the years of b.s. from my external environment stacked up my brain became wired to tell me I was not enough. And this is what I believed.

You’re doing this too, and you will keep devising strategies to protect yourself just like me.

I suspect you’re feeling:

  • Bored with where you’re at
  • A desire to do something different, more in your zone of genius

And most likely you also:

  • Are struggling with intimacy in one or more relationships
  • Are searching outside of you to fix it OR you’re ignoring it

Now hang with me because here’s why your one flaw is killing your leadership, if it’s not obvious already…

>> A bored leader is disengaged

>> A leader not operating in their zone of genius places the business at risk

>> A leader struggling with intimacy in relationships is less effective with their team

>> A leader doing nothing or looking outward will fail

It’s always an inward game. Think on that one for a bit.


  • Michelle McGlade

    MBA, MAc, LAc

    Authentic Self Leadership | Executive Success Coach | Business Growth Expert | Advisor to Dissatisfied High Achievers There’s a stress and burnout epidemic out there and people deeply want to change their approach in work and life. We’re taught to work hard at all costs. I saw it, too. My parents plan for me: go to college, work hard, get a good job. Working hard was my first strategy for success. I worked myself to the bone, and while I looked wildly successful on the outside, I felt unsuccessful inside. I saw the cycle, but couldn’t identify why it was happening, let alone how to fix it. Recently, I recommitted to my success, except now I focus on feeling wildly successful inside despite external appearances. I learned leadership is an inside-out game; when connected and present with myself, outward success came naturally. This work led me here but also work with my clients; high achievers like you and me. We’re not the type to share our struggles, we need a trusted advisor and safe place to let our journey unfold. That’s where I come in. I help high achievers who feel like something’s missing to discover the missing pieces, to feel successful and whole. We’ll determine why: • you feel bored despite success • your professional relationships thrive yet your personal ones don’t • others envy your ”perfect” life but you can’t feel good about it Let’s move you into your zone of genius without getting too “woo.” When working on inner leadership, it’s not about going soft, it’s about how much more power you bring that produces results in life and work. My clients helped me discover this approach. As a consultant, I’d assess their business and team, identify gaps and present solutions. But true transformation occurred when we’d work on the inward game of leadership. THAT is true coaching. I ask hard questions, provide tough love, and say what no one else will say to you. We go deep on what makes you, you. Working hard isn’t the only key to success, it’s about our emotional fitness. The success you seek and happiness you desire is an inside-out game. Let me show you how.