I’ve been working with a client who tends to be a bit of a perfectionist. He puts a lot of pressure on himself to have it all figured out and running smoothly when he starts a new venture he’s passionate about. The problem is, those ventures never see the light of day because he’s still waiting until he’s perfected them. Since no one is perfect, his ideas may never be seen by others, all because of his unrealistic standards.

I explained to him that it doesn’t have to all be figured out completely before he starts putting his ideas out there. Take it in stages. Work on Phase 1, and when it’s ready to stop being tweaked (not necessarily when it’s perfected), put it out there. Learn from it, then apply what you’ve learned to Phase 2, and so on.

Put your passion in Beta

Just last week I was having a meeting with a strategic partner who was telling me about her own venture in which she has a heart and passion for. I loved how she described the beginning of it. She said, “I just did as much as I could figure out to do at this point, slapped the word ‘Beta’ on it, and moved forward!”

Beta is a great way to test what you’re trying to do and then make tweaks, no matter what kind of offering you have. It’s a valid method for software and app development, so why can’t it be a valid method of development for your own product, service, or project?

Take One Small Action Step

It can definitely be scary putting your idea out there to the world for possible criticism. And that fear can cause paralysis. Do whatever it takes to light a fire under you to fight whichever “P” you’re dealing with: perfectionism, paralysis, or straight up procrastination.

Just start. Just share. Don’t wait until it’s perfect (or for the perfect timing). That will never happen. NOW is the time for phase 1, the beta testing period. Phases 2, 3, and 4 will eventually come, but only after you’ve accomplished Phase 1. And Phase 1 may mean just taking one small action step.

I remember how scary it was when I was starting my first business. But the thing that motivated me to move forward instead of becoming paralyzed by fear was the simple act of going down to the County Clerk’s office and paying $20 for a business license. That one small action step was what I needed to keep me from chickening out of my plan. Once I got a business license, it became real to me. I said to myself, “Well, it’s official now. I guess I really have to do this!” That piece of paper is the thing that held me accountable to my passion.

What’s holding you accountable to your own passions? What’s holding you back from them? Feel free to share in the comment box. Maybe just by sharing it with our readers it could be the one thing that will break you free from your own analysis paralysis!

One small action step you can take today is to begin the 8-Step Goal-Achievement Plan by subscribing to the paNASH newsletter. When you subscribe, you’ll receive steps on how to not just set goals but also how to achieve them. This plan is completely free and it will help you put your passion into action!

Check out paNASH’s new on-demand coaching programs. You’ll find topics on ways to pursue your passions and how to find work you love. The programs are accessible, affordable, and available for you to work at your own pace!

Originally published at www.yourpassioninlife.com on June 22, 2016.