Why you must move on and why now’s the time.
“You can view your past in one of two ways: as the brakes that stop you from your dream or the jet fuel that launches you into your dream.” – Kelly Rudolph
What if you made bad decisions? We’ve all done that. Either you were supposed to learn a lesson (and once learned don’t have to repeat it) or you made the decision with what you knew at the time.
Looking back, if you wouldn’t have made that decision today it simply means you’ve experienced personal growth. Congratulate yourself.
We can all say, “If I’d only known then what I know now…” but that doesn’t mean we have any right to beat ourselves up about our lack of knowledge back then.
We have control over two things: what we think and what we do.
Are you thinking differently than you did in your past? Great, embrace the path you’ve traveled.
Do you do things differently now than you did in the past? Super! Congratulations. You’re human. And as long as you’re growing, learning and changing, you’re on the right track.
If you experienced abuse in your past, it says nothing about your value; simply that it is part of your story. How can you use it to your advantage and inspire others who may be going through the same thing or in the aftermath?
I experienced years of rape and domestic violence in my past and I used that as jet fuel to catapult me into a better life. Even if you inspire one person, you’ve made a difference and used your past, which became your story, to the advantage of you and someone else.
If there wasn’t contrast in our lives, we wouldn’t know when something was good or bad. There is a universal law called the Law Of Polarity, which means without dark there would be no light and without an outside there would be no inside.
When you experience something you don’t want, doesn’t what you do want become that much clearer? The key is to focus on your do wants instead of your don’t wants.
This is where the Universal Law Of Vibration comes into play. It’s physics. What you hold in mind most often is what you create with your energy.
When you dwell on your past, you automatically magnetize more of the same into your present and future. Whereas when you consistently focus on what you want (using the Law Of Polarity to help you figure it out) you draw that into your life.
Is it really that simple? Yes. Is it also easy? No. Why? Because we are brought up to find what’s wrong with everything.
We think about it, talk about it, focus on how to change it, and go to doctors to help find things wrong with us, all the while pulling more of the same into our lives.
We’re actively and unintentionally creating exactly what we don’t want any more of.
How do you focus on what you want and let go of what you don’t want?
Conscious Practice
Remember, I said, “We have control over two things: what we think and what we do.” What we think and do are habits for the most part. And society is big on habits.
What kinds of things do you do every single day: drink three cups of coffee; leave for work at a certain time; check social media to; brush your teeth?
What else do you do consistently? (Physics never changes. What you hold in mind most often is what you create.)
Do you even realize you’re doing some of the things you do every day? Probably not. Because they are habits and habits are automatic.
One of the most detrimental habits most of us have, thanks to years and years of programming by people who didn’t know any better, is to focus on what we don’t like and don’t want as if that will make it go away. Wrong! It creates more of it.
“Visualizing exactly what you want with all the good feelings (emotion) of already having it is how to create what you want in your life. The power is in the emotions.” – Kelly Rudolph
When you feel yourself going into negative talk (self-talk or with others), you can use your imagination to focus on what you do want instead. And practice. It takes time to change a habit using only the conscious mind. Especially one you’ve had all your life.
Tap Into Your Subconscious Mind
The fastest and most powerful profound way to change focus and let go of what you don’t want is an inside job… literally.
Your subconscious mind (your inner computer that runs 95-99% of your life) stores everything you’ve experienced including your ancestors’ fears, trauma, etc. to protect you.
Tapping into it and releasing the emotional baggage that surrounds the learned lessons is the way to truly clear out the junk and get a fresh start with a clear head and an open heart.
It’s surprisingly simple to do and you don’t have to relive or re-feel anything negative at all – unlike talking about your problems. You just need a well-trained and experienced practitioner and to be ready for your life to change immediately.
This is the work I do with my clients and it is mind-blowing (pun intended).
Click here to download the Visualization Checklist I’ve created for you so that you can learn the correct way to pull what you want into your life.