I’ve written a lot here about fear and how it’s played a role in shaping my life .
My hand is raised along with all of you who grew up in an environment that didn’t foster a sense of security. (Okay, I know I pussy-footed around that wording. Some of you grew up in extreme situations that really sucked.)
Fear became a constant companion for me at a young age. It showed up two different ways.
Actually fearful and avoiding things. I’ve avoided hard conversations. I’ve put up walls to only let people see the sides of me I want them to see. I’ve held myself back in my businesses.
I have all sorts of quirks about public transportation, holidays, and things that go fast.
Standing up to fear, and proving to the world how not-afraid I am. This is the mode I operate in most.
Standing in front of hundreds of people to speak, walking across hot coals, jumping off a telephone pole…
When I was in 5th grade, the 8th grade bully ran past me and knocked my books out of my arms. I chased him down the hall, jabbed him in the chest and told him to go pick them up. Okay, he didn’t pick them up, but I never saw him again.
That all sounds exciting, but it’s still operating from fear. It’s just the flip side of the coin. Because I so often felt fearful deep down, I felt compelled to do daring things to counter it.
If there’s one thing I was put on this planet for, it’s to let you know you’re safe right now.
You’re safe because that’s your spiritual heritage.
I get it, life in this world is scary. All sorts of physical, emotional, and financial harm can be experienced. It makes it hard to believe safety and security are there for you.
It’s time to look beyond all that. Look beyond the man-made world.
…in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me. — Psalm 56:4
Would you live differently if you really believed you’re a spiritual being?
Your spirituality is real. The physical world around you is made up by your own, and our collective beliefs, thoughts, biases, and fears.
Sure, they all look and feel real, but try operating from an understanding that your spirituality is the only reality.
Start living your life like you know, you really know, there’s a safety net beneath you.
If you felt alone in the past, or like that net wasn’t there for you, remember you’re here right now. You survived.
Hold onto the lessons learned and release the fear.
Turn what you learned into your strength. Make it a gift you share with the world.
I Used to Let Fear Run my Life. One Simple Thought Changed Everything.
That’s why I do what I do. I want you to know you’re loved. You’re okay right now. You are safe.
As scary as it can feel, venture out a bit. Try something new, and try it with the attitude that you are safe.
✔If you’ve been fearful and avoided things, do something that scares you a bit.
✔If you’ve been counter-fearful and puffing up your chest to the world, pick a situating to admit you feel vulnerable.
As you take these steps, you’ll become more confident in your understanding that you’re safe.
Have you ever done something in life and right away you surprised yourself with your skills or the outcome? Right, I know you have, so you got this too. Remember that as you stretch outside your comfort zone.
I made a 5-day Guide to Mastering Happiness, and it’s yours for free! Click here to get the guide for free!
Visit me at www.christinebradstreet.com
Cross posted at www.christinebradstreet.com and Change Your Mind Change Your Life