Often people find themselves with success, money, and luxuries but no good health and happiness. Nature has given us all the things that are required to achieve a healthy living. But with the busy livelihood, we obtain chemically prepared products to suppress symptoms rather than taking care of our body properly. That creates numerous health problems including stress, depression, and unhappiness. Our body is capable of doing extraordinary things and needs proper care.
Meet Zeeba Khan, a Health coach, an Ayurvedic clinician, meditation teacher, nutritionist, and motivation speaker dedicated to helping people become their highest version. She believes that any individual can bring positive changes in their lives at any point.
Struggles, self-doubt, and failure are human problems that can be solved by having a coach or mentor. When we take the step forward to become abundant the door to joy, peace, healing, prosperity, and love opens.
Hello Zeeba, we’re excited to interview you and share your expertise with our audience. Please tell us a little bit about your background and how you ended up choosing your field.
I was raised mainly in the United States and come from a mixed heritage background. My mother is from the Ghashghai Turkish tribe in Shiraz, Iran and my father is from North India. Our family in India chose to settle in Bhopal in the 1960s.
My early career spanned modelling, acting, television, radio, and journalism before I entered academia and became a Professor in Communications to teach and research
Intercultural Communication. I possess nearly 30 years’ experience with the world’s ancient traditions and religions. And it was because of my deep desire to teach about the universalism of all them that I later ventured into the holistic science of Ayurveda.
My mission is to open people’s hearts and minds so they can heal.
What is your business all about? How do you differentiate yourself from others in your field?
I am an internationally renowned Ayurvedic clinician and meditation teacher. As a result of the holistic Ayurvedic expertise and customized lifestyle plans that I provide, I change people’s lives so that they can actually live their best life and feel connected mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The result is that clients feel inspired and empowered to take control of their own health.
I employ diet, herbs, yoga therapy, meditation, and Ayurvedic treatment to restore balance to my clients’ health and to help prevent and treat disease and disorders. I educate my clients by co-creating a toolbox of resources they can turn to in times of stress. It’s imperative to build a silo so that when we are faced with a challenge, we are not running on empty and are able to bounce back more quickly.
I also deliver corporate wellness workshops and programs to leading global organizations and incorporate wellness education into school curricula. I am a leading practitioner on Mindvalley’s Soulvana app. In 2020, I was honored by an invitation to be part of a panel discussion hosted by His Holiness The Dalai Lama on the topic of integrated healthcare and compassion.
Ancient Ayurvedic texts teach us that health is not merely the absence of disease. Ayurvedic healing is about balance, and the more we are balanced, the more we will be healthy.
Ayurveda treats the individual, not the disease. If you are someone with a pre-existing health condition, I will design a customized health plan for you. All of the recommendations are tailored based on your unique mind-body-spirit composition (dosha).
If you are already in good health and are looking to maintain your health, learn more about wellness and well-being, proactively prevent an illness that runs in your family, prolong your health span, or learn anti-aging techniques, then Ayurveda also offers answers for you.
You don’t have to choose between conventional and holistic medicine. Both can play a role in improving your health. In fact, scientific research shows that a holistic approach and integrative healthcare is the future of medicine.
What would you say was the single most influential factor in your business’ success?
The support of those who love me. Some days the voice of my inner critic can be louder than the voice of my inner nurturer. It’s on those days that reinforcement from those whom I love and respect can do wonders to ground me and remind me of why I ventured on this path in the first place.
Who is your hero and why?
My godfather is my hero. He was a Hindu Brahmin priest. He taught me to believe in the world of possibility rather than probability. He taught me that if you can see it in your mind’s eye and feel it in your heart, it will manifest physically. And he taught me this philosophy long before the word “manifesting” was a popular concept.
Perhaps his most life-changing advice for me was, “Kid, go forth with an open heart and an open mind.”
He taught me to be me – with my wildness and magic.
What is the one mantra that you live your life by?
You’ll see it when you believe it and have faith.
If you’re looking to live as the Highest Version of Yourself and feel good again – whether it’s mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, can reach her via official website: www.zeebahealing.com or on Instagram and Facebook @zeebahealing and be sure to sign up for her latest courses at zeebahealing.thinkific.com