We’ve all had the experience of being triggered by something that creates a sudden and intense emotional response within us. It might be that something happens that evokes feelings of anger or defensiveness, micro-habits that will completely change a life or that you feel very hurt by someone’s words or actions. An emotional response is just that – an emotion. It’s a feeling that’s evoked within you.

1. Write One Paragraph

Whether you have a book you’ve always dreamt of authoring, a business plan that’s been in the back of your mind for a while, or even just a blog you want to start, write just a few sentences each day. The momentum will build on its own and you’ll find yourself effortlessly writing more and more… But commit to just beginning with one paragraph.

2. Check Your Bank Account

Make it a habit to check in on all of your accounts at least once a day. If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is. But what’s important is that you’re keeping yourself aware of exactly what you have, and where it’s going. And make it a good habit in checking your love one,like sending romantic proposal message.Getting a better grip on your finances begins with having a consistently accurate mental layout of your accounts.

3. Get Used To Maintenance

Aspirational tropes want you to believe that living your best life is like running a victory lap every day. In reality,and say good happy birthday wishes for your self, it is more like being willing to tend to the unglamorous maintenance of things, like chores, cleaning, healthy cooking, staying current on bills and work assignments, or making time for exercise. The quality of your life will be directly and drastically improved if you can incorporate necessary maintenance into your daily routine, and learn to see it as something that helps you rather than hinders you from having a great time.

4. Choose Comfort For Your Future Self Over Comfort Right Now

If you want to change your life, you need to start considering the needs and wants of your future self over the ones you have right now. Prioritizing how you feel and what you want in the moment is what lead you here. Instead, commit to making choices for the benefit of your future self. The idea that “Being present” means disregarding anything but your most base instincts and desires is not enlightenment, it is self-destruction.

5. Fulfill Your Base Needs

You are not a machine, but in some ways, your body and life does require that you fuel it in certain ways to keep it running. Eat when you are hungry. Sleep when you are tired. Trying to deny the importance of your most basic requirements for functioning does not mean you are busy and important, it means you are ignorant and setting yourself up for a breakdown or burnout.

6. Curate Your Sphere Of Influence

But do you also realize that what you are surrounding yourself with and putting into your head is having just as much, if not even more, of an effect on you? Take a serious look at who you follow online and what their presence on your news feed does for you, or perhaps how cluttered your home or office space is. This is your environment, and it is having a silent, and often subconscious, impact on you at all times.

7. Scroll Less

Whereas sifting through tv channels was once the mindless past time of years past, now it’s scrolling through news feeds. Train yourself to limit your “Scroll” time each day. Try one of those browser installations that give you a set amount of time you can spend on a website in a day before it blocks access to the site, or apps that counts how many times you open social media apps. You don’t have to delete them entirely, but you should be mindful that you’re not spending multiple hours a day effectively doing nothing.

8. Observe Your Patterns

Instead of being critical of yourself when you notice that you’re procrastinating, or engaging in an unhealthy behavior, notice what prompts it. Notice what you’re doing when you feel most at ease, most inspired, or most frustrated. Observe yourself as a third party, treat your life like something you are studying. Get to know what you react to and how — this can help you direct your life.

9. Drink One More Glass Of Water

Don’t worry about pressuring yourself to get all recommended 8 cups down perfectly. Just focus on drinking one more. Then, when that’s part of your routine, add another.Drinking water helps prevent kidney stones and bladder infections. Drinking water as soon as you wake up really discourages kidney stones. Drinking water on an empty stomach dilutes acids that can lead to kidney stones and painful bladder infections.

10. Open Portals For People To Reach And Contact You For What You Do.

Make sure that you are consistently making your information available to those who may want to reach out to you. Your personal website and online presence is the new résumé, so make sure you are consistently updating and improving it, and making it easy for others to understand what you do and how to reach you.
