If you feel that you are overly demanding or that you are overburdened with so many demands and responsibilities, you may be going through a moment of stress. So that the demands of daily life do not jeopardize your well-being, we give you 10 easy tips to put into practice.

Stress is the way in which the body prepares to face a challenge or difficult situation and can be caused by different circumstances, for example: make an oral presentation or take the most difficult subject of the race. To keep stress in its right measure , the most important thing is to know what are the factors that generate it and the consequences that it causes us. Then, you just have to generate a strategy that allows you to control it . It seems simple, but it is a true art that is perfected with the use.
When everything works as it should, the body’s response to stress is the best way for the person to function under pressure. However, when the pressures are extremely intense, there is an overload of stress, which can generate crippling situations.
Some tips to keep stress under control:
1. Do not overload yourself with activities

If you feel too demanding, consider eliminating some of the activities you do, keeping only the most important ones.
2. Be realistic
It does not make sense that you try to be perfect: nobody is. If you need help with something, ask for it and maybe you can give yourself a good time in company.
3. Sleep well
When you sleep the necessary amount of hours, the mind and body are kept in good condition.
4. Learn to relax
The natural antidote to stress is relaxation , which will generate a sense of calm and well-being. For example, you can choose to: read a book, play with your pet or take a relaxing bath.
5. Take care of your body

Physical exercise, done moderately and regularly, helps manage stress. Remember to respect a balanced diet (including vitamins and minerals) and give yourself the time to enjoy lunch.
6. Watch your thoughts

Perceptions and attitudes influence the way we perceive situations. Try to see the positive side of things: it will help you get ahead in difficult times.
7. Solve simple problems
Learn to solve everyday problems: it will make you feel that you have control over situations. Take time to evaluate its causes and take the necessary steps to solve them.
8. Face your fears
Only if you face them, will you be free of them.
9. Live the present!
We live postponing situations that would make us happy … “Now I do not have time” we repeat tirelessly. Today is the day to start doing the things you always dreamed of!
10. Relax
It is already confirmed that there is no evil that lasts 100 years. Even if today you do not feel like going out and enjoy what life proposes to you!


  • James Betterson

    Author, husband, father

    Apart from being a Freelancer, Content Developer, Blogger, and Public Speaker. .....