Firstly please allow me to introduce myself, I’m Kerri Hendry and I’ve overcome a lot to be where I am today. Currently, I work around Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain and chronic fatigue condition that often leaves me bed-bound, but I don’t let that stop me. I run my Mobile nails business on a part time basis, within DWP restrictions for permitted work. I consider myself successful; I have a loyal band of regular customers who I miss like crazy right now. I’m also an online Business Coach for talented Nail Technicians who want to run their own businesses.

I don’t have to work, I’m part of what’s known as the ‘support group’ in DWP speak, I could just let this awful condition beat me and just stay in bed, but……
I won’t let that happen.
This is my example of working around something in life that tries to hold me back, but everyone has something right? Something that’s trying to hold you back? Someone who says you can’t? Or you shouldn’t?
Well, here’s the thing, only you can decide if you will let your circumstances or difficult times stop you from building the life you want. I know I won’t!
Now I know lockdown has been devastating for anyone in the beauty industry but I’m choosing to look forward to better times ahead and here are my top tips for re-opening with aplomb:
- Keep up to date with the latest updates on guidelines from The British Beauty Council. If you join (it’s free so why wouldn’t you?). You’ll get access to their reports. In there you’ll find their guidelines.
- Risk Assessments- You need to complete risk assessments for every treatment you offer. It’s up to you to assess the treatment and decide if it can be carried out in a manner that’s safe for both client and therapist.
- Best Practice Guides- Following your risk Assessments write out some best practice guides for each treatment, walk through everything from how you’ll health screening could work, to your client arriving at the salon (or you arriving at their home if you’re mobile), right through to cleaning up after they/ you leave.
- Personal Protective Equipment- work out what you’re going to need, if disposable how much you’ll need to last you (I’d recommend) a month at least and get it ordered as soon as you can, lead times are likely to be longer than usual.
- Do a stock and equipment check- make sure nothing has spoiled, that you have enough of all of your disposables and consumables, and check all electrical equipment is in good working order and PAT tested.
- Cleaning- Write (or update) your cleaning schedule, in-line with current guidelines and create a cleaning checklist.
- Contact your clients- Either to start a waiting list or to ask who’s desperate for an appointment and who’s happy to wait, this should help you to plan your diary.
- Contact your Employees- Make sure any employees or self employed therapists are fully briefed on the risk assessments you’ve completed and are ready to implement the best practice guides.
- Follow the top experts For your industry, like Marion Newman and Doug Schoon in the nails world, both are on Facebook and have websites. They have probably the most up to date take on what re-opening will look like.
- Await the 4th July announcement from the government, we should know if we can re-open and when.
I hope these tips help you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and be ready for the crowds when you re-open. I’m aiming to comeback stronger than ever, I won’t give up on my dreams.
I won’t ever let that happen!