Finding a way to transition from working nearly all the time to enjoying a vacation is hard for workaholics. Here are some tips to enjoying yourself.

If you find you are working nearly all the time and know it’s time for a vacation, this may actually be very stressful. It requires a change of mindset to relaxing and settling down. It may mean taking enough time off to transition to a relaxed state will take time. So after a few restless days the feelings of vacationing will begin to take place.

10 Hints for Enjoying a Vacation

1. If it’s been a long time since you’ve taken time off, plan for at least two weeks.

2. Choose a place that has interests that are different than work that give you pleasure.

3. Make travel plans well in advance, so that you aren’t rushed near the time of travel with final details which adds to the stress.

4. Travel with companions you know well and are comfortable with.

5. Make plans that don’t repeat the rushed state you are getting away from at work. Slow down!

6. Plan to eat healthy food that is enjoyable and satisfying and don’t rush through meals.

7. Sleep late if you desire without guilt. This is a vacation!

8. Try not to over plan your days, so that you feel the relaxation you came for.

9. Cut off all ties from work by having others take your place at the tasks you are accustomed to at work.

10. Stay off your phone and computer to give your mind a rest.

The whole idea is to find out what relaxation feels like, to enjoy pleasant company, and rediscover the calm person that actually exists inside of you!

Laurie Hollman, Ph.D., is a psychoanalyst and author of Unlocking Parental Intelligence: Finding Meaning in Your Child’s Behavior found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Familius and wherever books are sold. Visit her on her website at

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