More productive

Many people are looking for ways to make themselves more productive. Whether you’re a student, an employee, or running your own business, it’s important to know what will help you be the most effective and efficient as possible.

How to make yourself more productive?

Everyone is looking to get more productive. It is important that we have our goals and objectives in mind so that we know where to focus our energy and time. Write them down or create an image file of what would it look like if you had already reached your goal.

Here are 10 tricks that have helped me stay on track with my goals:

Keep a list of tasks in one place

Keep a list of tasks in one place. I find that the time it takes to update my task list is well worth the benefits, and this works for me because it forces me periodically to prioritize what needs to be done next. Having an overview of all your tasks at any given point lets you make better decisions about how much attention each deserves, which leads to more productivity.

-Tasks are best handled by considering their due date: The sooner they need to be completed, the higher up on the list they should be placed; if they’re not an urgent or high priority then consider delegating them or moving them to lower down on the priorities pile (or delete). Checklists have been shown repeatedly as effective tools for improving efficiency among professionals like doctors.


Set specific deadlines for each task

Specific deadlines are key to ensuring you get things done and getting them done on time.

Setting a specific deadline for each task is the best way to make sure it doesn’t get pushed aside or forgotten about in the chaos of everyday life.

Use the Pomodoro technique

Pomodoro technique is a time management technique based on the idea of using 25 minutes to complete five, three-minute work periods followed by short breaks.

Working for an hour then taking a break is counterproductive and leads to burn out. Using Pomodoro technique instead will motivate you throughout your day because it allows small stretches where we can do our best mental work.

Write down ideas when they come up

– Keep a notepad and pen on your desk to write down ideas as they come up

– Write the idea out in full sentence form

– Start with an active verb, such as “I want” or “I will”

– Make it concrete. List what you need to do.

Use the Eisenhower Matrix for decision making

Eisenhower Matrix is a decision-making tool to help you prioritize your day. It is also called the Urgent-Important Matrix and it divides tasks into four quadrants:

The first two represent urgent tasks (tasks that need to be done now) and important ones (that should have top priority according to importance).

Plan your day in advance with a calendar or task list

An important step is to plan your day in advance with a calendar or task list.

Start by reviewing your to-do list, and then go over the next day on your calendar. Plan out all of your meetings for tomorrow morning if you need them first thing so that they happen back-to-back.

This way you know what needs to be accomplished right away.

Use templates that suit what you’re working on (e.g., Excel template)

– Use templates that suit what you’re working on

– Use templates for daily todo list

– Use templates for weekly goals and tasks.

– Be sure the template is free or inexpensive so it doesn’t interrupt your flow of work.

Get organized by color coding, labeling

Best way to get organized? Color coding! Get colored labels and put everything in a designated place.

Label drawers, bins, shelves with the colors of your choosing so you can find what you need without having to search through piles of belongings

Make it fun by getting different types of markers that match each color or get stickers shaped like stars for labeling things like books.

Take regular breaks

If you want to do more than regular person, regular breaks are important.

– Take a break after every forty minutes of work, even if it’s just for a minute or two

– Don’t take more than 15 consecutive days off from your computer screen

Take time to evaluate what you’ve accomplished and how you’re feeling so that you know when to take an actual vacation!

Do more in less time

How you can do more in less time? Here is an easy trick you should follow.

– Take breaks every 20 minutes. Do something different to break the monotony of your work and reduce stress levels, such as walking around or going for a five-minute coffee break.

– Divide large tasks into smaller ones that can be accomplished in no more than one hour each. This will help you stay on track with your productivity
