1000 Days Free from Alcohol.
I am super proud of me.
I can’t believe I used to start everyday on the wrong side of the bed:
hungover, full of guilt/shame/fear, physically ill and in a bad mood.
How did I do this for years and then hate myself when I wasn’t happy with my life?
If I could look back on myself, on Day 1…
this is what I would tell her.
Listen Honey,
Start by tuning in, instead of tuning out.
You don’t need to seek outside yourself for love, acceptance, and peace of mind.
Pursuing meaning and purpose will prove so much more valuable than the pursuit of pleasure.
Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.
You are worthy, you are enough, and there is nothing wrong with you.
You’ve done a great job dealing with some heavy shit, give yourself credit.
Not everyone is going to understand or like you and that’s ok.
You don’t have to be perfect, you get to be whole.
Discomfort and pain are part of life, accept this.
Allowing yourself to feel is to grow, learn, release, express, create, connect, and experience.
Welcome all of it, even the pain, the stuffing creates the suffering.
It feels like hell for a long time, but it turns out that is only temporary.
Keep going.
You will burn through and come out stronger on the other side.
Never give up, it takes as many times as it takes.
Never stop believing in yourself.
The magic happens in your hardest moments.
These moments BECOME your beacons of light in the stormy sea.
You will BECOME everything you are meant to be.
Never mind what the person next to you is doing.
Your life is going to turn out more beautiful than you can ever imagine when you wake up in 1000 Days.
To celebrate my 1000 Days, I have named my 2021 Signature Coaching Package BECOMING.
Grab my FREE Sober Secrets download on my website now and you’ll be subscribed to my Weekly Newsletter with free resources and more details coming soon.