Cope Your Anxiety that You Should Know

Anxiety is something that many people can’t explain in words. It’s a feeling of uneasiness that sometimes shown itself in the form of loss of appetite, sometimes increases the desire to eat, insomnia, or excessive sleepiness. In short, it has different ways to show itself. But the important thing is you identify it and overcome it!
Most people feel anxiety in their everyday life related to the usual chores of the day. But when this feeling of worry becomes persistent and excessive it turns into clinical anxiety. And that’s an alarming situation.
Here are some easy tips that may help you to overcome your anxiety.

Think positive
Your way of thinking is the most important tool while dealing with your mental state. If you do not think positively, it is very difficult for yourself or for your counselor to help you. so firstly, you need to start thinking positively. Try practicing it in your small decisions. For this, you need to increase gratitude in your attitude. Write down your blessings in a diary before going to sleep. Make a list of things that makes you happy. In this way, you can practice those things and keep yourself happy with the results.

Get rid of overthinking
Overthinking itself is a problematic habit. Try to make yourself busy in small chores of your daily life to get rid of this habit. You can do painting, knitting, baking, gardening, and many other things that keep your body and mind busy. So that you have less time to think about things that make you anxious.

Trust yourself
Trusting yourself is very important for your mental health. If you do not trust your abilities, you will suffer from low esteem and anxiety. Try to do things that give you a feeling of accomplishment. In this way, you will have trust in yourself. Similarly, be in a company that boosts your confidence and avoid negative and discouraging comments.

Keep your mind busy
The idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Try to keep your mind busy with your body. Think about the things that give positive and productive results.

Don’t sit idle
Don’t sit idle or lay in bed the whole day. Try to do small house chores that keep your hands and mind busy. Making DIY projects is the best way to keep yourself busy especially when you don’t have anything else to do.

Do productive
Productively utilizing your energy is the best way to cope with your anxiety. Productive activities like workouts and exercise, gardening, reading a good book, writing an article, painting scenery, etc. are very helpful in coping with your anxiety.

Help others
Helping others and volunteering yourself in a noble cause is also helpful when you are dealing with your anxiety. Seeing someone happy because of you is the most joyful sight.

Set goals
Setting goals in your daily life makes your life more disciplined. Try to achieve your goals on daily basis. In this way, you keep yourself busy, and achieving your goals makes you more confident and content.

Adequate sleep
Having a good and adequate sleep at night makes your mind and body healthy. Try to go to bed early and wake up early in the morning. And set a routine for it. This will reduce the chances of overthinking that usually starts at night.

Eat well
Eating a healthy diet also maintain your body-mind health. Eating heavy and oily foods that are hard to digest by your stomach makes you feel uneasy and disturb your daily routine. Try to eat well and drink a lot of water daily. Drinking an adequate amount of water removes toxins from your system that is very beneficial for you.

Practice workout
Workout and meditation techniques help your body and mind to maintain their health. Try to practice them daily.

Stay connected
Talk to your loved ones. Catharsis is the best technique to overcome your anxiety and stress. So it is necessary to stay connected with your friends and family.

These are some of the tips that help you to remain calm and happy in your daily life. If your anxiety increases with time and taking the form of clinical anxiety, you should consult your health specialist for that. Marham is a telemedicine platform through which you can find, book, and consult the best health professionals. In this time of the pandemic, now you can talk with your doctor online while sitting in your homes through Marham, by using their mobile app or official website.
