In modern companies, the new work trend is the remote work mode. Faced with the global scenario due to contingency, most companies have turned to technology to facilitate remote work for their workers, therefore, it is time that not only businesses adapt but also workers. In this article, we bring you 13 tips to be more productive and improve remote work.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 29% of Americans are able to work from home, including one in 20 service workers and more than half of information workers. As a provider of tools that make working from home easier, we are attuned to the plight of the remote worker and wanted to share some tips on how to be productive working from home.

Hundreds of thousands of people, maybe even millions, are closing the hatches in their homes due to COVID-19 and working right where they live. There may be a paradigm shift in the world spurred by this coronavirus situation.

13 tips for working from home

1. Maintain an office space

As a first step, you need a space that is just for business. Your work settings should be separate from personal settings. Use different computers for both of you. Your company will appreciate the security of doing so. However, more than that, if feasible, set aside a home office space apart from all the commotion at home. If that’s not possible, at least assign a designated corner of your home as your office space.

2. Have everything ready to work at home

Monitor, keyboard, mouse, chair, printer … configure everything you need the way you want. If your company helps you with that, request the equipment you need to get the job done.

3. Use quality technology to stay connected

You need the necessary equipment to stay connected with your team, your company probably has most of the tools, but you should use Slack or Microsoft Teams to collaborate and communicate. Use video calling to feel even more connected with your colleagues, partners, and suppliers.

4. Keep a schedule

Make a schedule and stick with it. When to work and when to call you by day. One of the benefits of remote work is flexibility, and if you’re not careful, you could find yourself working too hard. Allot adequate time for work, sleep, and family.

5. Have a morning routine

Routines help us get going. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, a morning jog, or a half-hour of reflection time on the patio, be sure to establish a routine for entering the correct clearance.

6. Dressing

Sure, you could work in your underwear, but taking a shower and dressing appropriately goes a long way toward feeling energized and ready for the day.

7. Make some rules with the family

Distractions are the silent killer of productivity when working from home. Your toddler wants a little attention. Your spouse can lean on a little more simply because of proximity. Schedule a family gathering and establish some ground rules about the space you need to be productive working from home.

8. Take breaks

Allows you to take breaks according to your company policy. Take an hour for lunch. Take a couple of 15-minute breaks to clear yourself. Get away from the computer screen and the phone and relax. This practice does wonders for your mental health. Exercise gives your body a jolt of endorphins. Take one of those breaks and stretch or go for a walk. You will feel much better afterwards.

9. Get out of the house if you can

Try to stay away from your workspace regularly. That also applies to office workers. Get out of the building at least once a day, if you can. Fresh air and natural light are welcome. Trust me.

10. Discover your high productivity peaks

People are more productive at different times of the day. Some may be morning people; some are people of the afternoon. Find out what your most productive times of the day are and create your work schedule around those periods. You can get to know about Ruben Alvarez via reading online. 

11. Update your to-do list every day

Without close proximity to colleagues and superiors who will remind you of tasks in passing, it can be difficult to keep track of your priority items, tasks, and deadlines. Get in the habit of using a to-do list and updating it daily.

12. Check with your co-workers frequently

Make time to meet with your team and catch up. One of the biggest intangible drawbacks to working from home is feeling disconnected from the company and teammates. If you manage a team, take time to meet privately with each member so they can share status updates, get advice, and discuss developments you need to share.

13. Being productive and working from home is the new normal

4.3 million people in the United States work from home at least half the time, according to Global Workplace Analytics. That number has skyrocketed in recent weeks. This may herald a paradigm shift in which companies find value in a remote workforce and extend the option beyond the coronavirus situation, which is a tremendous shift. If companies can offer the same experience to workers at home as in the office, they will achieve comparable productivity and efficiency without sacrificing continuity.
