There’s an old saying: “A woman marries a man thinking that she will change him – and she doesn’t; a man marries a woman thinking she’ll never change – and she does.” Life is about change, and all relationships are in motion.

There are many trees in our forest. There is the happy tree and the sad tree; the good tree and the bad tree; the generous tree and the greedy tree; the compassionate tree and the rejecting tree. This is what it is to be human, and, as Freud said—the human dilemma.

When we fight, we typically enter the ring with our child tree. We are angry and we have a loss of control. However, in healthy fighting, we must say to the child tree, “You have no capacity to help me here, so you stay behind and I will step forward with my adult tree, the part of me that can navigate conflict.”

Healthy fighting begins with empathy. After all, this is your beloved with whom you are fighting. The empathic process is a positive way to disagree, problem-solve, and find compromise.

The rules of engagement for the empathic process include: 

1. To fight as an adult, we recognize that no one is perfect.

We move our attitude from all or nothing to realistically accepting the foibles and failures of others without trying to convert them. This requires both planning and empathic communication. Yes, I’m actually telling you to plan your fight.

2. Find a neutral spot.

It is important to find a neutral location for this exchange. Do not choose anyone’s office space or power place; no one’s bedroom or sexually charged environment. Rather, choose to have your discussion in the kitchen where we mix ingredients to create something new— the heart of the house, a place where alchemy happens.

Divide your speaking time by thirds, each speaking one-third of the time without defense and with intimate listening, which requires touch — holding hands for example. Then, the last third of the time is used for mutual dialogue, a conversation in which problems are solved or compromise is considered. The important message is to never defend accusations from one’s partner.

3. Simply and genuinely listen. Be there.

Be present in the moment with interest. Really listening means to open your heart and shut-off any inner dialogue that attempts to answer what your partner is saying. Use descriptive language to explain your feelings and never interrupt.

4. Open your heart and be flexible.

Remember that we are a species in evolution and our lives are ever in motion.  People change. Situations change. It is important to be able to go with the flow.  Though we all fear the unfamiliar, by being flexible, we can be available to the change and growth of our partners and ourselves.

5. Be honest. Don’t perform for approval.

Say what you really feel, not what you think your partner wants to hear. Value yourself and validate yourself. If you do, your partner will value you as well.  Mutuality is essential in relationship. So, listen to your inner voice and be who you are. That is the only way to be loved.

Trust is based on experience. Honesty really is the best policy. Don’t keep secrets, from your mate, that are important to the relationship. If you do, they will ultimately turn around and bite you. It is better for your partner to hear the truth of any situation from you. Once trust is broken, it is very difficult to rebuild.

6. When fighting using the empathic process, it is important to fight fairly. 

Never use any information about your mate in a negative way. If your partner reveals something tender, hold it sacred. If in the heat of battle you attack your mate with a shared confidence, you will not be given that confidence easily again.

7. Never fight on an empty stomach, or when tired or distracted. 

Discuss with your partner a good time for both of you to engage in the empathic process. You might set up a weekly encounter, which helps to keep the lines of communication open.

8. Never personally attack your mate. 

You can criticize the problem, but never your partner. Express your feelings as your feelings, not your thoughts. Don’t play the blame game. Own your own feelings and express them in a responsible way. For example, instead of saying, “I think,” say “I feel.”

9. Don’t read your partner’s mind. 

Don’t tell your mate how he or she feels. Listen, and let your mate tell you what is on his or her mind. Never project your feelings onto your partner. That only leads to fights centered on your projected material, and time lost fighting battles that do not exist.

10. Honor the process. 

Don’t try to make anything happen, but rather see where your dialogue takes you and trust that because you love each other, you are capable of going there.

11. Keep your dialogue balanced. 

Don’t use this fight to bring in earlier problems and disagreements. Fight fairly by not using ammunition from older hurts and injuries.

12. Stay open to your natural self. 

Don’t play a role and behave in a way that is uncomfortable for you. If you’re sorry, say you’re sorry. Be at ease with your feelings. We all make mistakes, but the greatest mistake is to put on a performance for a reaction. If you feel vulnerable, show your vulnerability. Love is a safe place, and you are loved because of who you are.

13. Never save stamps in a relationship. 

Don’t keep score. Don’t keep a running account of hurts and injuries. Keep in mind that the other person is your beloved, and therefore, don’t hold grudges.

14. Finally, if the relationship is out-of-control, immediately seek professional counseling. 

Many relationships have been lost that could have been saved from the inability to ask for help. Pride has no place in intimacy. We all make mistakes and have misunderstandings. And if the relationship cannot be saved, you are always free to leave.


  • Dr. Gail Gross

    Author and Parenting, Relationships, and Human Behavior Expert

    Dr. Gail Gross, Ph.D., Ed.D., M.Ed., a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and member of APA Division 39, is a nationally recognized family, child development, and human behavior expert, author, and educator. Her positive and integrative approach to difficult issues helps families navigate today’s complex problems. Dr. Gross is frequently called upon by national and regional media to offer her insight on topics involving family relationships, education, behavior, and development issues. A dependable authority, Dr. Gross has contributed to broadcast, print and online media including CNN, the Today Show, CNBC's The Doctors, Hollywood Reporter, FOX radio, FOX’s The O’Reilly Factor, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Times of India, People magazine, Parents magazine, Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine, USA Today, Univision, ABC, CBS, and KHOU's Great Day Houston Show. She is a veteran radio talk show host as well as the host of the nationally syndicated PBS program, “Let’s Talk.” Also, Dr. Gross has written a semi-weekly blog for The Huffington Post and has blogged at since 2013. Recently, Houston Women's Magazine named her One of Houston's Most Influential Women of 2016. Dr. Gross is a longtime leader in finding solutions to the nation’s toughest education challenges. She co-founded the first-of-its kind Cuney Home School with her husband Jenard, in partnership with Texas Southern University. The school serves as a national model for improving the academic performance of students from housing projects by engaging the parents. Dr. Gross also has a public school elementary and secondary campus in Texas that has been named for her. Additionally, she recently completed leading a landmark, year-long study in the Houston Independent School District to examine how stress-reduction affects academics, attendance, and bullying in elementary school students, and a second study on stress and its effects on learning. Such work has earned her accolades from distinguished leaders such as the Dalai Lama, who presented her with the first Spirit of Freedom award in 1998. More recently, she was honored in 2013 with the Jung Institute award. She also received the Good Heart Humanitarian Award from Jewish Women International, Perth Amboy High School Hall of Fame Award, the Great Texan of the Year Award, the Houston Best Dressed Hall of Fame Award, Trailblazer Award, Get Real New York City Convention's 2014 Blogging Award, and Woman of Influence Award. Dr. Gross’ book, The Only Way Out Is Through, is available on Amazon now and offers strategies for life’s transitions including coping with loss, drawing from dealing with the death of her own daughter. Her next book, How to Build Your Baby’s Brain, is also available on Amazon now and teaches parents how to enhance their child’s learning potential by understanding and recognizing their various development stages. And her first research book was published by Random House in 1987 on health and skin care titled Beautiful Skin. Dr. Gross has created 8 audio tapes on relaxation and stress reduction that can be purchased on Most recently, Dr. Gross’s book, The Only Way Out is Through, was named a Next Generation Indie Book Awards Silver Medal finalist in 2020 and Winner of the 2021 Independent Press Awards in the categories of Death & Dying as well as Grief. Her latest book, How to Build Your Baby’s Brain, was the National Parenting Product Awards winner in 2019, the Nautilus Book Awards winner in 2019, ranked the No. 1 Best New Parenting Book in 2019 and listed among the Top 10 Parenting Books to Read in 2020 by BookAuthority, as well as the Next Generation Indie Book Awards Gold Medal winner in 2020 and Winner of the 2021 Independent Press Awards in the category of How-To. Dr. Gross received a BS in Education and an Ed.D. (Doctorate of Education) with a specialty in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Houston. She earned her Master’s degree in Secondary Education with a focus on Psychology from the University of St. Thomas in Houston. Dr. Gross received her second PhD in Psychology, with a concentration in Jungian studies. Dr. Gross was the recipient of Kappa Delta Pi An International Honor Society in Education. Dr. Gross was elected member of the International English Honor Society Sigma Tau Delta.