31st December 2019 – The date on which the novel coronavirus was identified eventually, after affecting thousands of Wuhan residents. Fast forward to 1st December 2020, the numbers are staggering at over 63 million people infected and over 1.4 million people dead by this pandemic. None of us have witnessed anything of this magnitude in our lifetime that could shake the soul of mankind.
One of the biggest lessons from this pandemic is the importance of empathy for our survival. In one of my earlier posts, I had spoken about the power of empathy during this pandemic. Empathy and kindness can do wonders during difficult times like now.
Here are 15 ways to practice your kindness and make someone feel special during this pandemic. I have tried some of these, and it felt special to see the smile on your loved one’s and stranger’s faces.
- Tip Your Food Delivery Guy
Most of us depend on food delivery apps for our meals, and it has become a norm nowadays. These food delivery executives struggle a lot to keep their income steady. One of the best ways to flex your kindness muscle is to tip them. Most of the food delivery apps have features that allow you to share a tip with these executives with ease. Make use of that feature and see the happiness on their faces.
2. Send Surprise Gifts To Your Loved Ones
This has become one of my favorite activities during this pandemic. Surprise your siblings, family members, or even colleagues with surprise gifts when they least expect it. Do not wait for birthdays or any special occasions for this. With a plethora of online portals delivering gifts, it is much easier to send amazing gifts to people that you care about.
3. Cook A Meal For Your Family
Lockdowns forced all of us to stay indoors away from the crowd and crowded places. When you are with your family always, one of the best ways to show your kindness is by cooking some meals for them. It is super fun if you can surprise them with their favorite dishes when they are least expecting it. This is one of the best activities for husbands to show their care for their better halves.
4. Thank Someone For What They Do
Thanking someone for what they do for you is not a one-time activity to show your kindness. This is a habit one must develop to express your gratitude to all those people who make a difference in your life. So take some time out to thank those people who are in your life and make it better. Develop this habit for your happiness and extend this to your family, friends, and even colleagues.
5. Help A Co-worker Out
Pandemic has forced every office-goer to start working from home, and it has taken a toll on most of them. Like you, your co-workers are also dealing with the uncertainties and pressures of delivering goods from their homes. One of the best ways to practice kindness is taking some time out to help your co-workers. Ask them for the areas they need help with and try to lend a helping hand there.
6. Appreciate Your Better Half For What He/She Does
One of the most “taken for granted” relationship is marriage. Many times, we all forget to appreciate our partner’s role in our lives. The monotony of life makes it easier for us to take our partner for granted and behave like jerks most of the time. Make sure you practice your kindness by letting your partner how much you appreciate everything they do for you. The biggest lesson this pandemic has taught all of us is that “never take anything for granted”.
7. Call Your Parents & Grand Parents
I have a very rocky relationship with my parents, so this is a real special way to practice kindness for me. Call your parents (even if you haven’t spoken to them in a while) and check on them. Take time out from your busy schedule to call your grandparents and revisit your childhood memories. Trust me, you will feel better after these calls.
8. Speak To Your Old School Friends
I always think that school friends are the best ones one may have in their lives. But if you are like me, we all tend to lose contact with school friends as life progresses. Now is the best time to rekindle those friendships. Make time to call your old school friends and check on them. This is not only a kind gesture but an activity that could end in loads of laughter and fun.
9. Buy Food For A Random Stranger
Have you ever bought food for random strangers? No. You should. One of the best kindness gestures you can do is buying food for someone hungry. Be it for someone on the street or someone standing in the queue behind you at an eatery, buy food for them. The smile and surprise on their face will light up your day.
10. Rate Your Home Deliveries High
As we all are staying indoors, we are all relying on delivery apps for groceries and such. The executives who deliver your orders earn more when they are rated high for their service. Be kind and rate them well. Take 2 minutes to express your gratitude and rate well so that they are reminded of your gratitude.
11. Smile At Your Neighbors
As Roy T Bennett said “Smile more. Smiling can make you and others happy”, a smile is the one thing that is returned immediately. One of the best things to express your kindness is by smiling at your neighbors. Whenever you meet them on the stairs or the balcony, smile gracefully and say hello. Everyone needs a smile these days.
12. Donate To A Non-Profit Or A Cause
As we all know, times are tough, and several organizations are working towards several causes. Now is the perfect time to align yourself to them and show your kindness towards others. Practice your kindness by donating to a cause close to your heart or a non-profit working for the same.
13. Encourage Your Team Members To Share
As leaders, we tend to focus on ourselves more than the team most of the time. Now is the time to revamp that approach and be more kind. Encourage your team members to open up and share their stories. Listen to them, their aspirations, and struggles, if any. Be kind and offer any help possible to bring the best in them.
14. Give Your Housemaid A Day Off
When the pandemic kicked in, housemaids were struggling as entry into households were restricted. Your house help has always helped you maintain your home well, and now is the time for you to show your gratitude. Give them a day or two off so they can be with their families and take a break. Be kind to everyone, and this is the time for that.
15. Be KIND to yourself
This is the MOST important thing one can do. We are always kind and empathetic with others, but when it comes to us, we are not. Let’s practice being kind to ourselves and forgive ourselves for our shortcomings. Encourage us to live more fully and enjoy every moment. Be kind to yourself as you are to your loved ones.
I believe each one of us can be kind every moment if we want to. Kindness is a quality that is inherent in us, and we lost it somewhere along the journey. It is time to reignite kindness as a habit and empathy for all of us to make this world a better place.