Every human being is a unique universe, but psychologists who have a keen eye for details keep discovering new behavioral patterns that are believed to be rooted in our childhood and can be applied to everyone.
We decided to share these useful psychology tricks; maybe they will positively affect your communication skills and make your life easier in some way.
- To find out if a person likes you, pick a word and every time he/she uses this word or synonymous word phrases, nod and smile. If he/she does like you, watch him/her start using the word all the time.
- Do you want people to take your words seriously? Every time you tell them something, say that your father taught you this. People tend to believe parents’ advice inherently.
- Become an ultimate ‘Rock, paper, scissors’ champion! To win at the ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ game, right before playing it, ask your opponent a random question. Most of the time your confused friend will throw ‘scissors.’
- If you want people to agree with you, just nod and maintain eyecontact while you’re talking. ‘The nod’ sign means ‘everything I’m saying is true.’ Plus, following social behavior patterns, people tend to nod back.
Tags: psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness, psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,psychology, spirituality, self-improvement, mindfulness, positive thinking, happiness,