Photo by Dawid ZawiƂa on Unsplash

It is natural to have anxiety and fear close in on us during this challenging time. I hope these questions can open our minds and hearts to contemplating positive possibilities. The dandelion looks vaguely like the ubiquitous covid-19 virus image, only it is a symbol of spreading hope, growth and regeneration.

1. How effectively am I handling stress, fear and anxiety? What or who can help?

2. How is this a wake-up call for me?

3. What is this an opportunity for?

4. What am I learning about my relationship with money? What needs to be healed or strengthened?

5. What had I taken for granted in the past which I appreciate more now?

6. What have I procrastinated or run away from that is time to attend to now?

7. Which of my strengths can help me survive and even thrive during this period? (If you don’t know what your strengths are, ask people who know you well to tell you and take a strengths self-assessment.)

8. Which of my vulnerabilities may worsen the impact of this crisis on me? What can I do?

9. Whom in my support system can I ask for help?

10. Whose strengths have been inspiring to me during this period? How can I develop these in myself?

11. Whom am I especially grateful for? How can I express my gratitude in a way that is meaningful to them?

12. How can I upgrade, renew or reinvent myself so that when this blows over, I am a better version of myself and ready for greater things?

13. Which individuals/communities/causes need my generosity, compassion and service even more now?

14. Illness/death can strike at any time. What powerful realisations have emerged for me in light of this?

15. What can I learn from epidemics to spread positive ideas and actions?

Pick questions that call you and discuss them (virtually if you need to!) with a suitable team/colleague/friend/family member. Support each other to grow through this season.

By consultant, corporate trainer and coach, Vadivu Govind. Vadivu is Director of Human Unlimited Pte. Ltd, a Singapore-based consultancy which enables future-ready, life-affirming leadership and workplaces.

Note to Editor – This post originally appeared with links