How to reduce work stress? Because the work environment is demanding and demanding, it can be a source of pressure for many people. Stress in the workplace affects the well-being of the person and can lead to a series of negative consequences in various vital spheres. That is why; below we explain a series of guidelines or tips on how to manage work stress:
Planning time:
Proper planning and organization of time can reduce pressure and mental load, since in this way it is not necessary to use energy and other resources to think about what to do next. Temporary planning is recommended to be carried out both in the workplace and on a day-to-day basis. At work it is important to order the tasks to be performed depending on their urgency and importance at the beginning of the day. On the other hand, a planning of daily non-work activities is also helpful for better optimization of time and better management and use of rest and leisure hours. For the organization of time it can be beneficial to create visual lists and calendars, thus facilitating the assimilation of information.
Having defined responsibilities:
Clarifying responsibilities and tasks helps in managing work stress. Uncertainty about job functions is one of the most frequent causes of stress and distress at work. Therefore, knowing what is expected of you, what tasks you should do and how they should be done is another of the strategies to reduce work stress.
Developing healthy habits:
Another of the strategies to combat work stress is to maintain guidelines for care and health. Self-care habits include sleep hygiene, healthy eating patterns, exercise, avoiding the consumption and abuse of substances such as tobacco, coffee and alcohol, etc.
Establish limits:
In relation to the previous point, knowledge of the functions and tasks favors not accepting more work than the person is responsible for. This limit setting prevents work overload. Likewise, the limits must be set between working and personal life, so a person cannot be available 24 hours. The working day ends when leaving work, so it is not healthy to check the mail for work reasons or answer work calls outside of the established working day.
Take Some CBD-Oil
CBD can help ease some of your work issues and improve your work life. CBD can help with any career that causes unnecessary stress. While everybody has stressful things that happen in their life, any career that produces stress constantly can benefit from CBD-oil.
Avoid multitasking:
Spending time and energy on more than one task at a time works to the detriment of the health of the working person. In addition, it does not promote concentration or effectiveness, so it is counterproductive and generates a more stressful feeling. As for the focus on a single task, it helps to plan and organize these previously according to importance, urgency and the approximate time it will take us to perform it.
Set realistic goals: work is only one facet of life, so it is healthy for people to value themselves beyond the workplace and in other vital spheres. For this reason, it is necessary to establish realistic objectives in employment that do not consume excessively or occupy all the available time. On the other hand, it is healthy to set goals in other vital and personal areas, since personal growth and learning goes far beyond the work environment.
Knowing your labor rights:
Information and knowledge is one of the first steps to achieve personal and collective empowerment. It is not only necessary to know what are the obligations at work, but it is essential to know the rights as a working person. This knowledge facilitates the establishment of limits and the claim of fair working conditions and in accordance with the law.
Organizing workers benefits their protection and defense of rights and labor. In addition, unions inform and advise people on issues and doubts in the workplace, as well as ensure compliance with decent working conditions. Having this external support fosters a feeling of security at work and the achievement of more dignified working conditions that favor personal well-being.
Reserve personal time daily:
It is important to try to have moments to disconnect from the workday and enjoyment and pleasure every day. For this, disconnection and care must be taken into account in the organization and planning of the day to day. It is also vital to spend time analyzing and reflecting on what activities enhance well-being and help you cope with routine.
Maintain supports:
The establishment of support and social networks, both inside and outside of work, contribute to the maintenance of vital well-being. Positive relationships with coworkers promote a good work environment, which is a protective factor against stress. Likewise, maintaining external social relationships is gratifying and encourages disconnection from work.
Learning to manage stress:
One strategy to combat stress is relaxation and breathing training . It is important to assess the option of going to a professional person for training in different techniques that decrease tension and increase the person’s coping resources. Among the techniques that can be trained are the progressive relationship, breathing exercises, stress inoculation, visualization, cognitive restructuring, etc. In addition, various techniques can be exercised in therapy to optimize time and task management and planning.
Identify what stresses you:
Within the scope of work stress, there are various causes or sources that can explain the stressful situation experienced at work. Therefore, it is important to spend time analyzing the circumstances exhaustively, with the aim of identifying the specific origins of stress, as well as the resources and tools that the person has to face it.
Enjoying in free time:
Spending time with leisure, people in the immediate environment and hobbies, counteracts the feeling of overload and tension. It is essential to identify satisfaction and gratification factors and organize time around them.
Do not overload the agenda:
Sometimes wanting to occupy and enjoy free time in excess can be counterproductive, even stressful. Scheduling too many rewarding activities can end up becoming an obligation and a commitment. Therefore, it is convenient to listen, be aware of the needs, and sometimes do fewer activities, even if they are for leisure.
One’s ability to earn an award after a difficult day, closing a project, accomplishing a demanding task, etc. It is another of the self-care tools. Rewarding stimulates personal well-being and therefore helps you cope with stress.
This article is merely informative, in Online Psychology we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.