quick self-care ideas

We’re struggling.

We run like mad, doing all the things. Racing from one responsibility to the next. But where does that to-do list end? And when is it our turn to slow down and feel good?

In many cases, it will NEVER be our turn unless we take back control.

So, today, we’re busting the myth that you need lots of time and energy to take care of yourself. It just isn’t true. You simply need easy ideas to implement when the going gets tough.

Better yet, integrate these ideas into your every day. Then, watch and see how much brighter and happier your life becomes. A few simple actions can make a massive impact on how you feel over time.

Give yourself the gift of love.

“Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It is sanity.”

Katrina Mayer

15 Quick Self-Care Ideas

  1. Make a hot cup of tea
  2. Read a daily quote from the Quotes App
  3. Breathe deeply 3 times
  4. Light your favorite candle
  5. Open a curtain or get out in the sunshine
  6. Do a few light stretches
  7. Make a cup of premium coffee
  8. Put on your favorite music
  9. Clean off one place that’s bothering you (counter, drawer, etc)
  10. Take a quick walk around the block
  11. Write three things you’re grateful for
  12. Put your phone away for thirty minutes
  13. Hug someone
  14. Journal your thoughts, or do a brain dump
  15. Dance
  16. Read a chapter from a book
  17. Put on an article of clothing that makes you feel good

For how to implement these ideas well, check out How to Create a Soothing Self Care Routine. You’ll find more ways to take care of yourself, tips to stick with it, and a sample weekly schedule.

In Conclusion

There’s only one YOU. You deserve to be the best version of yourself.

You deserve to feel calm, centered, and focused – ready to take on the world.

And you deserve the love that you give to others. Start now.

“Self-care is how you take your power back.”

Lalah Delia