Did it though?

A global pandemic.
The health scare that brought this country to it’s knees.
Shelter in place. Quarantine. Businesses closed and shut down.
Unemployment surges.
Social distancing is the norm, seeing friends from a distance, older relatives via zoom only.
George Floyd.
Riots surrounding the Black Lives Matter Movement.
A divisive election year.
So many of us just wanted to wake up January 1, 2021 like it was 1985 again and the end of season 9 of Dallas. With the past year just being a dream.
Much to my dismay Patrick Duffy was not in my shower on New Year’s day.
I woke up and indeed 2020 happened and well, that’s that.
So we look to the new year and proclaim our determination that it will be better and give a collective middle finger’ to 2020.
But first…
You’re not getting away that easy.
You think 2020 sucked? Maybe it did, and maybe at the same time, it didn’t.
Wait, what?
You heard me right? Maybe it didn’t suck as much as you thought.
But seriously, lets break it down actually.
Here’s how 2020 sucked for me:
I was out of work all year.
We didn’t get to the cape with the kids as usual.
I only had 1 beach day.
The gym wasn’t really a thing.
I had a few people I considered friends decide to no longer participate in that relationship.
Some decisions could have been better thought out creating less stress and grief.
We found mold in our basement which led to our house being completely torn apart.
Oh yeah, covid was a thing and summer travel, family plans were canceled and most communication was via zoom.
Bozo the clown was president.
Here’s how 2020 didn’t suck for me:
I moved back closer to my kids and since they were home most of the time we got to spend a LOT of quality time together, more laughs, more Starbucks trips, more binging old Survivor, House of Anubis & Baby Daddy episodes!
We added three puppies to our one dog family!
I cleared my calendar of so many social gatherings it gave me time to invest in relationships that really matter!
My oldest son won a Student Emmy! Then graduated and went off to Hofstra!
My youngest son created a new home workout routine, changed his diet and lost 20 lbs!
He also participated in, directed and did the editing for the first-ever Performing Arts Live-Via-Zoom plays in his class.
I learned and was featured in all of 3 Tik-Toks!
I wrote about 40 blog articles on my own site and was invited to publish them on three other sites!
I posted zoom sessions for some of my blogs and those who called in really enjoyed being part of it, I couldn’t ask for more!
I took the opportunity to walk in the woods more, talk to God more, let the universe guide me and let go of what and who bring me down!
I continued to foster a better, closer relationship with my family in Vermont!
I found gratitude in the fact that I am actually a part of so many wonderful families, chosen and by relations, that love and support each other!
I actually enjoyed quieter, smaller, casual and less stressful holidays.
And I can’t not mention how grateful, lucky and proud I am to have the most amazing man in my life and by my side through it all!
In 2021 we will see:
Covid winding down.
A new president take office.
More amazing time with my kids, my families and my man.
New opportunities for growth personally, financially and spiritually.
My list of things that didn’t suck isn’t tremendously longer but it has items of heavier weight and far more significance.
I challenge you readers to make the same list and see how it compares.
Are you crying about a crappy year ‘cuz you missed a couple parties?
Or you sex life took a nose dive?
Are you down on yourself because you’re scale is up and not in a good way and you weren’t smart enough or took the initiative to just go outside and figure something out?
How long is that list?
How long is your list of things that didn’t suck?
If your reflection of the past year doesn’t yield on the positive side, you missed a very big opportunity. One you will never again get in your lifetime and I’m sad for you.
But not for me.
Dear 2020, thanks for giving me amazing change and strength and showing me what really matters in life.