Prospecting in network marketing and telling prospects about business are both different things. Most people keep confusing this because they think inviting people/prospects and presenting a business are the same thing.
Today I am going to talk to you about the 3 biggest mistakes that I have done in my life. These are the mistakes that most of us make while giving presentations.

We invite them to tell you about our products and opportunities. We invite them to comment/review our product and to attend an event.
Let me tell you one thing if you are inviting them to know their opinion about the product and you are not there and you are thinking that there is nothing for you to do. So you are doing this biggest Business mistake.
You are very important to know this when you are physically present with them and the biggest thing is you.
You should negotiate with them. It was very tough for me when I started the Network Marketing business in the initial days because I also had such a lot of mistakes in my life.
I am going to share my real-life Entrepreneurial experience with you. I read everything that I could, listened to everything, all the training attendees I could. The most important thing for me was to become an expert in this business.
Actually, I knew a lot about business but if anyone asked me about business, I used to do them at the same time. I used to sit in front of them and tell them “Let me tell you about all my products”
“Let me tell you about my company”
“Let me tell you about my business plan”
“Let me tell you about the company support system”
So I used to tell like this. Did you notice any mistake?
Actually, the problem was not knowledge. Knowledge was everything about the company, products, support systems, business plans, and more. And if I continued on this side, the prospect would get bored and fall asleep.

So the problem was in Approaching
For this, we have to work on Approaching. Only a leader can teach you this. Because we have to work on this skill development.
What is skill development? How to improve skills development? Whenever I used to approach people like this, the prospect always rejected the business. So this was my first Business Mistake.
Secondly, my problem was that most of the people in my perspective knew what I was doing. And I am doing this business first time, I am not an expert in it.
So when I went to him to be a professional businessman, to show this business. So his response was like “These are not true” “Now you will teach me what to do and what not”, he would never take me seriously.
The third problem was, even if I would be successful in becoming a business expert, but the distributors I had with my business were never desired to be successful because they used to take this business lightly.

Because teamwork is needed to move forward in this business. Big people have said “You are the product of 5 people most of the time you are with”
So I used to go alone to show people the presentation. So I used to do this 3 Mistake when I joined Network Marketing Business. So what did you learn from these 3 mistakes:
1. You have to focus on learning first in this business.
2. Professionally do this business and you must learn before sharing this business.
3. Choose the upline/mentor/leader in the right way that will show you the right path and fulfill your dreams.