Your starting point to move forward, implement positive change, and level-up your life!!
If there is anything 2020 has taught us, it is s not to postpone what we want to experience or do for later, because later is never guaranteed. Today is the day to take the first step to…..anything we want!
With the long awaited start of a new year, it is an exciting time to fill a blank 365-day year with all the dreams we want to bring to life.
If you’re feeling STUCK today in your life, not sure how to move forward, or where to start to level up your life, these 3 steps are your starting point.
Step 1- Start with the end in mind to craft a Vision for your best life!
Every year I feel energized crafting my vision for a new and fresh chapter in my life.
Crafting a vision for your best life is the most crucial thing you can do to gain CLARITY on what you want to happen this year (..and beyond) and how to get it. It’s a practice I enjoy so much and recommend as I have seen the powerful shift it brings into my life and the life of my clients.
When your Vision is clear, you will find yourself becoming more intentional in your life, how you spend your time, what experiences you have, and what people you surround yourself with…
If you want to get UNSTUCK and start moving in a direction that makes you feel more alive than ever, more fulfilled and purposeful; your first step is to -Craft Your Life Vision- and get really clear on what you truly value and want more of (and less of) in your life.
Allow yourself to dream big. It’s time to awaken your hidden dreams and bring the secret petitions of your heart to life. You have a huge potential that is still untapped and waiting to be explored and used. It’s not a coincidence that you are here reading this today. It’s time for you to bloom into the person you’re born to be.
Step 2- Reverse Engineer starting from your Vision to build a plan to get there
If you are like the old me and like a lot of people still, you probably set goals at the beginning of the year, but lose motivation or focus to continue working on them after a little while, leaving you more stuck and unfulfilled. Am I Right?
Well, that’s happening because your goals are too short term, and not fully aligned with the bigger picture of what you truly desire to happen in your life.
To set goals that keep you motivated to work on and achieve, they need to be in alignment with the big Vision you have for yourself & your life. Your vision is the end destination you want to reach.
Just like a GPS. When you’re going to a new place for the first time, you get into your car and put the address in your GPS. That determines the route to take.
When the destination is clear, it becomes a matter of what’s the best, most aligned and joyful roadmap to take to get there.
As John Maxwell says ‘Clarity Of Vision Creates Clarity of Priorities‘.
Use the vision you crafted to build your 2021 plan, one that supports you to go from ‘where you are today’ to ‘where you want to be’ authentically.
Think of what small goals and milestones you will hit on your way to your big vision.
This is where people often get derailed and overwhelmed. Be really in tune with yourself. Listen to your feelings, and let your intuition guide you to the goals that feel more authentic and effortless to take today.
Keep you list of goals small and achievable. Decide on 2-3 aligned goals to tackle this year to start bringing your vision to life.
Step 3- Take Action!
This is the moment of truth and what differentiates dreamers from achievers. The future you want starts here and begins when you take action.
Even if you don’t feel ready today, start by taking small actions to move forward. Start with messy action if needed…but start.
Don’t let the need to be perfect hold you back. Don’t let the opinions of those who never tried hold you back from believing that it’s possible for you. It’s more than possible-It’s inevitable!
Hold yourself accountable taking action consistently and start moving in the direction of what you truly desire- This is how you will get UNSTUCK!
And until you start taking action, you will continue to repeat your past, feel unfulfilled in your present, and conflicted about your future.
By taking aligned actions consistently, you will gain control back over your life, and make true progress to live in alignment with what you desire. This is the journey that will bring you joy and make you feel more ALIVE than ever!
Around this time every year, I lead a select group of people to craft their ‘Life Vision’ for the next chapter of their life. It’s truly a fun and rewarding journey that opens up a whole world of possibilities for them and helps them shift their view of themselves and their lives completely. Join the waiting list here to learn more about ‘Craft your Vision. Live your Best Life’ masterclass.
Here’s to a PHENOMENAL 2021!