How to use NLP to support you to feel more confident,

What is NLP?
NLP is the art and science of learning to be your best self.

I use NLP in so many different ways in my own life, and confidence is a biggie!

Here are a couple of ways you can use the NLP Tool Box whenever you feel you’d like a shot of confidence,

1. Whenever you feel yourself doubting yourself,

Ask yourself a better question.
“How can I show up as the best possible version of me right now? How would I act, look and feel?”

Just by asking yourself an empowering question your mind begins to search for the possible answers and finds resources to support you with where you are right now.

2. If you are just about to go into a talk, do a Facebook live or deliver a presentation,

Remember that people are just people. We are all the same. Ground yourself by reminding yourself of that, centre yourself and bring your awareness into your gut area. Your centre, and feel into your heart. This will support you to feel into your body and be present in the here are now rather than worrying about what people are thinking or if something may go wrong.

3. Step into your brilliance,

Imagine a circle on the floor that has all of the resources within it you require with where you are right now. Similar to no.1 Imagine the best possible version of you when you step into it, encompass yourself in light and imagine yourself shining out into the world, doing good in the world and living in your purpose.