Most of us can remember the excitement we have when we start a new goal. We spend hours planning and envisioning ourselves at the peak of our success. In the beginning, we’re quite diligent and passionate, but as time goes on something happens. We notice our passion begins to wane and we lose the motivation to continue. Eventually we stop pursuing our goals because we feel that we have failed or that our dreams are too big to achieve.

Fortunately, you don’t have to give up on your dreams anymore. You can go back and reassess your steps and implement these 3 habits. Sometimes we become so occupied with the fact that we have failed that we never take time to figure how we could have prevented our mistakes. These are 3 habits that many people overlook because they are not a part of the traditional success plan.

  1. Develop/Deepen Your Spirituality: Spirituality is defined as the focus on the human spirit rather than on physical, outer, worldly things. This means increasing your sense of self and furthering your relationship with a higher power. You can do this by practicing prayer, meditation, scripture reading, yoga, or attending a religious service. Having a spiritual life is helpful to completing your goals because it increases your faith and gratitude. When difficulty times arise, you will be more likely to remain calm, focus on a solution, and most importantly achieve your goal.
  2. Read Books: When you have a goal, it is very important to read books by people who have already achieved your goal. This helps to keep you focus and aware of the path that you should take. Books like these also inspire you to continue your journey because you know that your goal has been accomplished before, so it can be accomplished again. You should strive to read at least one book a month about the goal that you would like to accomplish.
  3. Eliminate Social Media: Eliminating social media can help you declutter your mind. Sometimes we are not aware of the information that we allow inside of our minds which can negatively impact our success. It is important for you to fill your mind with positive and inspiring images, words of encouragements, and music. Social media can cause you to become overly competitive and insecure. You should not fixate too much on material possessions of your friends, family, or celebrities. Rather you should fill your mind with stories and images of the success and goals you would like to have. Simply decreasing or completely eliminating the amount of time spent on social media can help you stay more focused and motivated.

I hope you will begin implementing these three strategies and find more success. Get in touch with me and let me know about your new-found success.

Originally published at
