Follow Your Dreams

It’s been three years since I started I AM QUEEN Magazine. I can remember the dream I woke up from when God directed me to begin the journey. Sometimes we may not understand the why and the how but, we must hold onto our faith and trust in God. It’s been three amazing years that have been laced with obstacles and victories. New relationships were built and some old relationships died but there are three things that I learned along the way that I’d love to share with you.

  1. When following your dreams, it’s important to ask God for your strategy. I took many online courses and I even got a few coaches who did there best to guide me, but it wasn’t until I sat still in the presence of God to get the strategy he had for me that I was able to produce revenue and create a clear plan for my business. While you want to inspire the world, we also need to make money; so ensure that you have a plan that will allow you to do both!
  2. Following your dreams is a lonely, misunderstood road.This journey can be lonely and frustrating. Sometimes you’ll find yourself trying to explain yourself to people who don’t even understand themselves, because you get tired of the rejection. I never truly understand why God spoke to Abraham and not Sarah about the baby until I started my own business. Sarah’s faith wasn’t equipped for the revelation. God doesn’t reveal our assignments to others because many people aren’t equipped to handle your coming reality. You must get to a place where you are convinced that what God has told you is true despite what you see. Our temporal realities can be misleading because it doesn’t look like our prophesied future. So hold on to the word God gave you!
  3. Invest in yourself! Invest in books. Listen to podcasts. Go to conferences. Do things that will challenge you to think and that will make you feel uncomfortable. Growth doesn’t happen in comfortable places so it is important for you to get used to not fitting in!

Tyler Perry said his greatest weapon was being underestimated. It could be tempting to try and prove who you are to others but that’s the weapon God wants to use to blindside your enemies.